
It was close, but the answer was “no.” Oxford Village voters Tuesday rejected the proposed sale of a 3,555-square-foot (0.08-acre) stretch of S. Mill St. by a margin of 78-73. Of the village’s 2,372 registered voters, 151 residents (or 6.4 percent) cast a ballot in the special election paid for by the Oxford Community Development […]

Legion Post’s blood drive yields 40 pints

Red, white and blue are normally an American Legion Post’s favorite colors. But on Friday, Oxford’s Post 108 put special emphasis on “red” by hosting a blood drive for the American Red Cross. Forty pints of blood were collected in a six-hour period, according to Lake Orion resident Mary Lou Johns, who’s worked for the […]

There’s a new photographer in Oxford

The perfect picture requires the right equipment, proper lighting and a skilled photographer. At Johnston Photography, customers are guaranteed all three elements. Located at 8 N. Washington (the former home of Mel Pawl and Company Photography), the new portrait studio features the talents of owner and local photographer Dorothy Johnston. Johnston, an eight-year Oxford resident, […]

Historic Home Tour offers peek into Oxford’s past

Much of the intrinsic charm of a small town can be found in its historic homes and buildings. These structures are more than just bricks and mortar, they are snapshots in time – constant, visible reminders of where we came from. Connected with almost every old home or building in Oxford is a colorful anecdote, […]

Kids spend 2,885 hours reading

People who say most kids nowadays would rather watch television or play video games than read a book will have to eat their words. The Oxford Public Library’s Summer Reading Program officially ended Friday with a family picnic and live entertainment at Stony Lake Park. Library employees and parents celebrated the fact that 429 kids […]

Oxford’s newest full-time cop

John Chiera was sworn as the Oxford Village Police Department’s newest full-time officer at Tuesday night’s council meeting. Chiera has served as a part-time officer for the village department since December 2001. “Since that time John has proved himself admirably,” said Police Chief Mike Neymanowski. “He’s worked many shifts for me, many different hours and […]

Local author publishes tale of interracial love and tolerance

It’s a tale of love. It’s a tale of race relations. It’s a tale with a message that still rings true today. Oxford author Margaret Jane Stoddard’s 123-page novel entitled The Leopard’s Changing Spots: Rorey’s Men was recently published and is available on-line at www.Xlibris.com. Set in the turbulent years of 1958 through 1972, the […]

Nine beautification award winners selected

Six homes and three commercial properties were selected as the 2003 Oxford Village Beautification Commission Award winners Tuesday. A total of 78 village residential and commercial properties were nominated for the 11th annual awards program, according to Commission Chairman Joe Bullen. The nine winners were selected by the commission for their aesthetic contributions toward improving […]

Child care provider retires after 20 years

When Oxford resident Beverly Shufflin decided to turn her 74 Pontiac St. home into a child care facility, it was supposed to be a temporary thing to help her oldest son pay for college. “I was only going to stay in it for probably five years,” said the 61-year-old. Two decades and more than 100 […]

Fawn leaps into moving car

Two Oxford teens traveling west on Seymour Lake Rd. Sunday picked up an unexpected passenger – a fawn. The two 17-year-olds were just east of Baldwin Rd. when a fawn attempting to cross Seymour Lake Rd. ran straight into the open passenger side window of their 1995 Saturn. “The deer hit them. They didn’t hit […]