Officials react to Breton Group’s report

Reactions to The Breton Group’s report on the feasibility of waging a successful campaign to build a new Addison Township Public Library were mixed Tuesday night. “I was a little surprised,” said Clerk Pauline Bennett. “I expected more of a rosy picture.” Based on the residents she’s spoken with, Bennett said she’s “heard more favorable” […]

FISH needs phone volunteers

Remember those old phone company commercials with the slogan, “Reach out and touch someone”? Phone volunteers for Oxford/Orion FISH (called PhoneFISH) do that everyday by dialing a few numbers from their homes to help their fellow man in need. On the other end of the line are local needy families and individuals, who thanks to […]

Evidence refutes village president’s statements

Several public statements made by Oxford Village President Steve Allen came under fire at last week’s Oxford Public Fire and EMS Commission meeting. Oxford Township Supervisor Bill Dunn presented written materials and audio tapes to refute statements Allen made at the July 17 OPFEC meeting, at which Dunn was absent. “I did not start this,” […]

Safer trail crossing approved

Polly Ann Trail users will soon be able to cross W. Burdick St. more safely thanks to the Oxford Village Council. Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve the installation of a pedestrian crossing near the point where the trail is intersected by W. Burdick St., near West St. Polly Ann Trail Manager Amy Murray […]

Storm causes 300 to lose power in Oxford Twp.

Damage caused by Tuesday morning’s s evere thunderstorm left 300 Oxford Township DTE customers without power. A “handful” of downed power lines in the area and an electrical pole struck by lightning caused the outages, according to DTE Energy spokesman Len Singer. According to Oxford Village Dispatcher Tony VanHouten, a caller phoned in shortly after […]

Church hosts 2nd annual pet blessing

Amidst the prayers and songs, something else could be heard at Oxford United Methodist Church Sunday morning – lots of barking. For the second year in a row, the church held its annual Pet Blessing on the front lawn. “I think Ghandi said it best and I’m going to paraphrase him – You can tell […]

Time for Allen to resign from council

“Believe me, it is a great truth, that there never was, for any long time, a corrupt representative of a virtuous people, or a mean, sluggish, careless people that ever had a good government of any form. If it be true in any degree, that governors form the people, I am certain that the people […]

Oxford students head back to school

Monday was the first day of school for all students of Oxford Area Community Schools. As usual you can turn to The Oxford Leader every week to learn what’s going on in all the schools. From varsity sports to school board decisions to cute kids doing cute things, the Leader is the only true local […]

Smash-up at S. Washington, Lincoln streets

A two-vehicle accident at the intersection of S. Washington and Lincoln streets sent one driver to the hospital Monday. A 27-year-old Oxford woman was traveling south in the left lane on S. Washington St. (M-24) when her 2001 Mercury was struck by a 1999 Chevy van. The van, driven by a 37-year-old Oxford woman, was […]