Zeeke wins ‘Louie’s Great Pumpkin Contest’ – again

For the second year in a row, Addison resident Zivko “Zeeke” Vasovski won “Louie’s Great Pumpkin Contest” held in Lakeville Friday evening. Vasovski’s winning pumpkin – actually a special pumpkin/gourd hybrid – weighed in at a whopping 329? pounds with an impressive circumference measuring 92? inches. The contest began three years ago as a friendly […]

Knife attack at Meijer

A 31-year-old Columbiaville man was assaulted by an alleged knife-wielding assailant Sunday morning in the Oxford Meijer parking lot. The incident occurred at about 7:30 a.m. when Ferndale resident Anthony Francis Iannotti, 21, allegedly approached the victim while he was parked in the southwest corner of the Meijer lot. The victim told Oakland County Sheriff’s […]

Oxford Scaercrow Festival has

You don’t need a brain from the Wizard to know that Oxford Scarecrow Festival 2003 is going to be more fun than you can shake a winged-monkey at. A whole slew of fun-filled, family-oriented events has been planned for the first annual festival on Saturday, Oct. 23 in downtown Oxford. “I feel like we’ve superceded […]

See what’s new at the old church

For 100 years the little church at the corner of Lakeville and Hosner roads has stood as a silent testament to the faith of a community. Since 1903, generations upon generations of Christians of various denominations have called the Addison Township Community Church their spiritual home – a simple gathering place where humble folks can […]

If these walls could talk

A century-old building is more than just a collection of wood and nails that’s managed to remain standing. It’s a piece of living history that can be seen and touched. It’s story that’s been told and is waiting to be told again and again. This is the story of the Addison township Community Church, located […]

Resident’s concerns leads to traffic signs for Pleasant St.

Oxford Village resident Terry Murray saw a problem and took action. As a result, children on and near Pleasant St. will hopefully be able to play in a safer environment. The village council last week unanimously approved the placement of traffic control signs on Pleasant St. warning drivers to go slow because children are playing […]

Proposed ordinance revision says

Oxford Township wants everybody to keep their clothes on – at least while they’re inside places that serve liquor. The second reading and possible adoption of a revised “Charter Township of Oxford Liquor Control Ordinance” will occur at Wednesday night’s township board meeting. Among the proposed revisions is a section clearly defining and prohibiting nudity […]

Addison Library Friends to host meeting and auction on Oct. 28

The Friends of the Addison Township Public Library is hosting its first annual general membership meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28 at the Addison Township Hall. The meeting is open to the public and input from the community is more than welcome. Friends President Claudia Von Drak is expected to give an overview of the […]

More cops could mean no more debt for OPFEC

Given the choice between repaying the U.S. Department of Justice $136,677 or hiring additional police officers, the Oxford Public Fire and EMS Commission last week voted unanimously to explore the latter option. The DOJ sent Oxford officials an Oct. 9 letter – which they must respond to by Monday, Nov. 24 – offering them options […]

Dial 628-9911 for emergency info

During an emergency situation having instant access to the most reliable, up-to-date information available can mean the difference between life and death. In an effort to ensure Oxford Township and Village residents are adequately informed during any and all emergencies, officials created the “Oxford Emergency Information Hotline.” Township Supervisor Bill Dunn explained that in the […]