Council appears to favor hiring fourth full-time cop

It appears Oxford Village officials favor the idea of hiring an additional police officer to offset their portion of the $136,677 debt to the U.S. Department of Justice. At last week’s council meeting, officials spoke favorably, but took no action, regarding the possibility of hiring a fourth full-time village police officer to satisfy the $31,435.71 […]

Haunted House a frightening success

Who says scaring the you-know-what out of people can’t be a profitable venture? Not Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance. The group’s Haunted House fund-raiser – dubbed Nightmare on Burdick St.: The Purple Gang Rides Again – “netted close to $4,000” in its 10 days of operation, according to OAYA Caseworker Hank Szlenkier. “I’m always awed and humbled […]

Hats off to the DPW!

Thumbs up to the Oxford Village Department of Public Works for repairing a safety hazard and eyesore last week. In case you didn’t notice, the northern driveway leading into the southwest parking quadrant and adjacent sidewalk was replaced last week by the DPW with fresh cement. Prior to the repair, the pavement was severely deteriorated […]

It’s your money, tell them how to spend it

EDITORIAL – Next week Oxford Township and Village will be conducting public hearings to garner resident input as to how the 2004 Community Block Grant Development funds should be spent. Taxpayers have a responsibility to attend these hearings because ultimately it’s the fate of their money that’s being decided. The township has been allocated $39,817 […]

Township board votes to settle Fahy case

It appears former Deputy Treasurer Sharon Fahy’s sexual harassment lawsuit against Treasurer Joe Ferrari and Oxford Township will be settled out of court. Following a Nov. 5 closed session meeting with their attorney, township officials voted 7-0 to direct counsel to finalize settlement in the Fahy matter. No specific details about the pending settlement, such […]

Uncle Cracker helps OMS

It was the luck of the draw Friday that landed Oxford Middle School students Taylor Roop and Andrea Woody a pair of autographed Uncle Kracker T-shirts and bumper stickers. “This is only the second thing I’ve ever won,” exclaimed Woody, a seventh-grader. Her father, Scott Woody, a para-professional at OMS, purchased the ticket for her […]

New shop dares to Beadifferent

If you want to be unique, be fashionable and be noticed, then head over to the new Beadifferent Boutique and create something bead-utiful. Located at 14 N. Washington St. and owned by Metamora resident Mary Lou Bielak, the new store features everything for the beginning or experienced beader including a large selection of beads, findings, […]

Council approves finance agreement

A draft agreement outlining how to finance the purchase of 20 Hudson St. for the purpose of expanding downtown parking was unanimously approved by the Oxford Village Council Tuesday. The document must now go before the Oxford Community Development Authority (OCDA) on Nov. 18 for its review, possible amendment and approval. It will then head […]

Blood drive at Legion yields 35 pints

Judith Ingles helped save three lives last week. But that’s nothing considering the 62-year-old Oxford resident has to date helped save 210 lives. Ingles isn’t a doctor or a nurse. She’s a blood donor. Ingles donated a pint of blood Friday during an American Red Cross blood drive held at American Legion Post 108 in […]

My Way

“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” – Benjamin Franklin Oxford’s business owners are in dire need of a united voice in their community. My experiences fighting against the school district’s failed attempts in 2000 and 2002 to increase the non-homestead millage rate – a tax which has a large […]