Elementary school is a time to learn your ABCs and your CDVs. CDVs stands for “Core Democratic Values,” the principles upon which the Founding Founders built this great Republic 227 years ago. Clear Lake Elementary fourth-graders in teacher Suzanne Rosevelt’s class recently created posters depicting their favorite CDV. Using a combination of words and illustrations, […]
Wind gusts of up to 60 miles per hour whipped through the Oxford-Addison area last Wednesday night and Thursday morning causing numerous downed wires and trees and depriving 1,100 DTE Energy customers of their electricity. On Thursday, National Weather Service offices in Pontiac and White Lake Township recorded respective “peak wind gusts” of 57 mph […]
Part of Susan Tucker’s new job is to make as many friends as possible. No, she’s not a social director. The Oxford resident was elected president of the Oxford Public Library Friends last week. Tucker, an active member of the Friends since spring 2001, is employed as a vice president and human resources director for […]
It appears calls to the Oxford Fire Department will continue to be handled by the Oxford Village Police dispatch center at a significantly lower cost to the township. After reviewing proposals for dispatch service from the village police and Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, the Oxford Public Fire and EMS Commission Dec. 17 voted unanimously to […]
I’m a big believer in accountability in government. If people have questions, comments or complaints, they should be able to voice them directly to their elected and appointed officials. Officials should be there to listen whether it’s the township supervisor, village manager or the county dog catcher. Which brings me to the point of this […]
‘It looks like a vintage school cross-walk with an arch tacked on to it.? That’s how Oxford Village President Steve Allen described what the proposed 100-foot long, prefabricated Polly Ann Trail pedestrian bridge looks like to him. ‘The original request was more proportional and ornate so as to make it be a landmark for the […]
Imagine being lost in a foreign country where you don’t speak a word of the language. Such an experience would be frightening and frustrating for the average person. That’s the way many of us who are technologically-impaired feel when we attempt to navigate our way through the complex world of computers. But it doesn’t have […]
Imagine being lost in a foreign country where you don’t speak a word of the language. Such an experience would be frightening and frustrating for the average person. That’s the way many of us who are technologically-impaired feel when we attempt to navigate our way through the complex world of computers. But it doesn’t have […]
‘It looks like a vintage school cross-walk with an arch tacked on to it.? That’s how Oxford Village President Steve Allen described what the proposed 100-foot long, prefabricated Polly Ann Trail pedestrian bridge looks like to him. ‘The original request was more proportional and ornate so as to make it be a landmark for the […]
Only in Smalltown USA can the boy who opened his very first savings account at the local bank grow up to be bank president. ‘This is something I’ve worked towards and I appreciate the opportunity. I’m very excited,? said Jeff Davidson, referring to his recent appointment as president and chief executive officer of Oxford Bank. […]