Ford pleads no contest to misdemeanor

Former Oxford Police Chief Gary Ford pleaded no contest to the misdemeanor charge of willful neglect of duty in Oakland County Circuit Court Monday morning before Judge Patrick J. Brennan. Ford will be sentenced on Thursday, Feb. 19 at 1 p.m. and could face up to one year in the Oakland County Jail. In exchange […]

Township rejects village changes to dispatch contract

“I don’t necessarily like the old contract, but I like the new contract even less.” So said Oxford Township Trustee Jerry Dywasuk referring to a revised contract for village dispatch services presented to the township board at its special meeting on Dec. 30. Township officials rejected the new contract, disapproving of its revised language. In […]

Twp. OKs task force to apply for emergency radio frequency

Township officials Dec. 30 voted to allow the Oxford Preparedness Task Force to apply to the Federal Communications Commission for an emergency radio frequency on behalf of the township. If granted, the FCC license would cost the township approximately $400, officials said. The separate frequency would be used during emergency situations to enhance communication between […]

Cable commission to get more funding

Oxford’s public access cable station, commonly known as Channel 19, got a New Year’s bonus from the Oxford Township Board of Trustees. At a special meeting Dec. 30, township officials voted 3-1 voted to “pay any future franchise fees from the cable company (Charter Communications, Inc.) directly to the Oxford Area Cable Communications Commission beginning […]

My Way

When two or more candidates run against each other for a government position, it’s called an election. When an incumbent official runs unopposed for his position, it’s called a formality. The first is a healthy process whereby the system of representative government renews, refreshes and perpetuates itself. The second does nothing to strengthen representative government. […]

Helping the Rivests

Last week the Rivest family, of Addison Township, suffered a tragedy few of us can relate to or even imagine. An explosion and subsequent fire robbed the family of their world. Mike Rivest, 43, a father and husband, is gone. Twenty-month-old Gage, a son and brother, is gone. The family home is gone. All their […]

Injured swan rescued

An injured swan in Oxford Township received protection and aid from three guardian angels Tuesday. Oxford residents John Guzman and Jerry Modders and Metamora resident Chris Graye rescued the swan, who was found sitting in the middle of Oxford Road, just north of Noble Road. “He wouldn’t move,” said Guzman, who was the first to […]

Car in wrong lane causes accident

A northbound car driving in the southbound lane caused an accident Thursday, Jan. 8 on M-24, just north of Drahner Road, around 3 p.m. According to the report from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, a 17-year-old Clinton Township man, who was northbound in his 1999 Ford Mustang, “admits he was not paying attention and crossed […]

Council approves revised dispatch contract from township

A revised five-year dispatch contract retroactive to Jan. 1, 2004 was unanimously approved by the Oxford Village Council Tuesday night. The contract to provide fire/EMS dispatch services to the Oxford Public Fire and EMS Commission was a revised version written by township attorney Chris Kaye, according to village President Steve Allen. It contains the same […]

Reaching for the star

If Kate (Henson) Brown achieves all her dreams, Oxford residents will be saying, “I knew her when. . .” The 25-year-old former Oxford resident and 1997 OHS graduate moved to California two years ago to pursue her dream of becoming a famous and successful recording artist and television personality. Brown, the daughter of Oxford residents […]