A total of 660 brand new books will be donated to Children’s Hospital of Michigan thanks to Oxford High School senior and DECA Club member Courtney McGraw, Oxford Big Boy owner Chris Heins and the first-grade students of teacher Marion McGraw’s class at Pine Tree Elementary in Orion. During the months of October, November and […]
A $54,000 per year contract with the Colorado-based Environmental Firm of William T. Carlson was unanimously approved by the Oxford Village Council Tuesday night. The three-year, $162,000 contract will be paid for with monies from the village’s Sewer and Water Fund. “The village staff does not have sufficient expertise to comply with federal and state […]
An Oct. 28, 2003 resolution authorizing the village attorney to make a purchase offer not to exceed $175,000 for 20 Hudson St. was rescinded by the Oxford Village Council Tuesday night. Council’s unanimous action came as a result of a recent decision by the Oxford Community Development Authority to not contribute any funds toward the […]
A public hearing to solicit citizen input regarding a proposed car wash facility in downtown Oxford has been cancelled. According to village Planning, Building and Zoning official John Elsarelli, the applicant has requested the item be “withdrawn” from the planning commission’s Tuesday, Jan. 20 agenda and indicated he’s “willing to consider other options” for the […]
Despite what some state legislators are saying in the news media these days, I think term limits are a good and healthy thing for our representative system of government. Term limits can give rise to new points of view, fresh ideas and serve as an impediment to business-as-usual politics. I don’t believe term limits are […]
After serving nearly 12 years on the Oxford Township Board, Trustee Shirley Clancy announced last week she will not seek reelection later this year. “Twelve years for a trustee is a long time,” she said. “There should be the opportunity for others to serve.” Rather than reflect on her three terms in office, Clancy preferred […]
All 9-1-1 emergency calls placed from cellular phones in Oxford Township will continue to be routed to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Dispatch Center as they have since the early 1990s. Township officials last week voted unanimously to direct Supervisor Bill Dunn to send a letter to both the sheriff’s department and village “reinforcing the township’s […]
In addition to their usual lessons, the students of Clear Lake Elementary are learning the most important lesson of all – “Love thy neighbor.” So far, the school has raised more than $500 to help the Rivests, of Addison Township, who lost their home and two family members to a Jan. 5 explosion and fire. […]
Oxford Village DPW Superintendent Don Brantley said there were no major problems handling the Jan. 14 snow storm that dumped approximately 10 inches on the Oxford area. “I believe everything went fairly well,” he said. It took the DPW 14 hours worth of regular time and overtime to clear all the streets, a task accomplished […]
A motion to reappoint George Black to the Oxford Township Planning Commission led to a heated debate among township board members at their Jan. 14 meeting. Failing in a 3-3 deadlock, the motion sparked a debate over when a planning commissioner’s term expires and the appointment procedure in general. Black’s term on the planning commission […]