OCDA Director tells Chamber of Commerce

At first glance, it seems like a simple formula – “A Prosperous Downtown equals A Prosperous Community.” But for that formula to work, it requires the proper mixture of government, business and community involvement. That’s where Michelle Bishop and the Oxford Community Development Authority come into play. Bishop, who serves as executive director of the […]

Wild Things!

Just because there’s snow on the ground doesn’t mean there isn’t still life in the woods. Kingsbury School’s 125-acre pristine rural campus in Addison Township played host Saturday to a program in which third, fourth and fifth graders learned how to identify signs of wildlife during the winter season from the school’s naturalist and environmental […]

Cable commission discusses status of franchise fees

Will Addison Township and the villages of Oxford and Leonard follow Oxford Township’s lead and pay all their cable franchise fees to the Oxford Area Cable Communications Commission? Cable commissioners discussed that question at their Jan. 26 meeting. “We’re hopeful they’ll make a favorable choice,” said Cable Commission Chairman Charles Kniffen. Franchise fees are capped […]

Council favors moratorium on Detroit water and sewer rate hikes

A resolution requesting the Detroit Water Board and Detroit City Council place a moratorium on water and sewer rate increases for fiscal year 2004-05 was unanimously approved by the Oxford Village Council Tuesday night. Approval of the resolution was requested by Oakland County Drain Commissioner John McCulloch in a Jan. 12 letter to the village. […]

My Way

NOTE: This column is dedicated to Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Wendy Potts, who’s currently presiding over the case which could end OPFEC for good. Your Honor, I’d like to make my case as to why the Oxford Public Fire and EMS Commission should be dissolved forever and ever. Allow me to present Exhibit A […]

Groundhog Day Festivities

Lakeville Elementary second-grader Alyson Edgemon gives weather-predicting llama, Mr. Prozac (or ‘Zac? for short) a special smooch at the Groundhog Day Festival in Centennial Park Monday morning. Unfortunately, Zac and groundhog puppet Noah II saw their shadow at exactly 10 a.m. on Feb. 2 — thus predicting six more weeks of winter. For more pictures […]

Land swap on March 8 ballot

Oxford Village voters will be asked in the March 8 election to approve a land swap with Oxford Bank, which which will benefit both the village and bank according to representatives from each side. “In my opinion, this swap is worth doing from the village and bank’s point of view,” said Councilman Dave Bailey at […]

Independence Village disputes its values

A disagreement over the taxable value of Independence Village of Waterstone could end up costing Oxford Township a large chunk of tax revenue. Independence Village filed a tax appeal petition on May 28, 2003 with the Michigan Tax Tribunal seeking to reduce the facility’s 2003 taxable value from $7,056,550 to $610,865 and 2003 State Equalized […]

Supervisor’s appointments tabled, failed

Two recommended appointments to the Oxford Township Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) were left up in the air at the Jan. 28 township board meeting. Supervisor Bill Dunn’s recommendation to appoint resident Thomas Berger to the planning commission was tabled while his recommendation to appoint resident James Butler to the ZBA was […]

Patterson seeks 4th term

Bill Patterson likes helping people and hopes voters will let him continue doing so. The retired pharmacist and Oxford resident filed for re-election Friday to his seat on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. “I enjoy it,” Patterson said outside the county clerk’s office in Pontiac. “I think I’m doing a good job representing the […]