Saving the world one penny at a time

“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” It was this famous quote from Helen Keller that inspired Oxford Elementary teacher Mary Ludeman and her fifth-grade class to launch a schoolwide fund-raising campaign during the month of February that raised $140.14 to help save endangered animals. What began as a class […]

Business owners criticize village mgr.

Some prominent voices in the downtown Oxford business community were recently raised in criticism of village Manager Mark Slown’s job performance. Gene Hampton (owner of Hampton Block and Supply), Mark Young (owner of Mark A. Young Jewelers), Suzanne Ardelan (owner of Curves for Women) and Dave Weckle (owner of Valley Building and Repair Company) offered […]

Fate of 15 parking spaces unsure in northwest quadrant

Unless a long-term solution to the parking shortage in downtown’s northwest quadrant can be found, the lot will lose 15 spaces on March 31. At issue is a parcel containing 15 parking spaces located between Healthy Smile Center (9 N. Washington St.) and Sisters’ Hair Care (19 N. Washington St.). The parcel was formerly owned […]

Another successful year for Youth Assistance

How many people can say they helped 891 children and families last year? The people who volunteer for Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance can. OAYA held its annual meeting Feb. 26 with a breakfast at Crossroads for Youth. Eugene Arthur Moore, Chief Judge of the Oakland County Probate Court, served as the event’s keynote speaker. It was […]

One down, one to go

And the Road Commission for Oakland County said, “Let there be lights!” Road Commission workers Friday installed the first of two traffic signals designed to regulate the northern and southern intersections of Seymour Lake and Baldwin roads in Oxford Township. The newly-installed signal will regulate the southern intersection where the western portion of Seymour Lake […]

George Black re-appointed to twp. PC

The Oxford Township Board last week voted 4-3 to re-appoint George Black to the planning commission, with a term to expire Dec. 31, 2006. Black has served on the planning commission for 20 years. His re-appointment originally failed in 3-2 and 3-3 township board votes in December and January. Supervisor Bill Dunn kept bringing back […]

My Way

One of the cornerstones of our allegedly free society is CHOICE. It’s a beautiful little six-letter word that excites libertarians enough to make them soil their copies of Atlas Shrugged. Liberals on the other hand have mixed feelings about choice. When it comes to abortion, liberals say choice is good. When it comes to schools, […]

DPW fixes dip, leak on Moyer St.

A broken water main beneath Moyer St. caused a “dip” in the road, leading the Oxford Village Department of Public Works to close the street and shut off the water on Friday. According to DPW Superintendent Don Brantley, a resident reported the “dip,” which was described as an “egg-shaped” area, approximately 4 inches deep with […]

Voters Okay land swap

A proposed land swap between Oxford Bank and Oxford Village was approved Monday by a more than 6-1 margin while two incumbent council members who faced no challengers were easily re-elected. By an overwhelming margin of 191-31, village voters gave the municipality permission to trade a parcel of land it owns, known as Edison Alley, […]

Alternate security, aisthetics for water plant to be studied

A mix of informed complaints and impassioned pleas from residents convinced Oxford Township officials last week to explore alternative security measures and “more aesthetically pleasing” options for its proposed water treatment facility in the Oxford Woods subdivision. “I think we need to take a look at what will best fit the neighborhood in terms of […]