A proposal to use palm pilots to help students learn math and technology skills has earned teacher Jeannie Crampton a $1,500 grant from EDS. At the April 6 Oxford Board of Education meeting, Crampton, a teacher at Crossroads for Youth Secondary School, will be presented a $1,500 check by Paul Ward, manager for EDS? Distribution […]
Oxford Community Church has a new home, but the same message ? everyone is welcome. The 4?-year-old non-denominational Christian church is now located at 2750 N. Baldwin Road (between Shipman and Oakwood roads) on the same property as Little Scholars of Oxford, a day care facility. To celebrate its new home, the church is hosting […]
Think the life of a computer troubleshooter is relatively boring? No adventure, just a bunch of geeky stuff? You obviously haven’t met Lake Orion’s newest resident Meg Malloy. What started out as a simple job ? recovering some missing data from a televangelist’s fund-raising website ? could end up costing her life. But don’t worry, […]
Safety paths are a good thing. They provide pedestrians, young and old, with a safe area to walk, bicycle, run, jog and roller-blade along side busy roads. They allow people to get from Point A to Point B without using a motorized vehicle and without becoming road kill. I’ve got no problem with Oxford Township […]
It’s been a long time ? at least 10 minutes or so ? since a public official has angered me as much as Janet Thomas has. Words cannot even begin to describe the sheer loathing and utter contempt the current vice president of the Oakland Schools Board of Education generates within me. Much like a […]
The site of what was formerly Mike’s All World Market at 999 S. Lapeer Rd. could be home to a new drug store and retail shopping center next year. The Clarkston-based Lehman Investment Co., LLC had a pre-application conference with the Oxford Township Planning Commission March 25 to discuss its conceptual site plan for the […]
Two incidents of an Oxford Village Police dispatcher allegedly misusing the Law Enforcement Information Network are the subject of an internal investigation ordered by the Michigan State Police. ‘They feel that the information (obtained on LEIN) that was disseminated (by the dispatcher) wasn’t supposed to be given out,? said village Police Chief Mike Neymanowski, who’s […]
For the parent of a child severely allergic to everyday items like milk or peanuts, the first visit to a new day-care or the first day of preschool can be nerve-racking experiences. Will the people in charge remember my child’s allergy? Will they remember what he or she looks like among all the other kids? […]
Kingsbury School student Erik Hunstad was one of 100 top fourth-through-eighth graders from around the state to compete in the Michigan finals of the 2004 National Geographic Bee held April 2 at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant. Sponsored by the National Geographic Society, students from 500 schools from around the state participated in local […]
Even though the cold weather doesn’t make it feel like spring, the calender says it is. Time to start thinking about planting, growing, weeding, mulching, fertilizing, watering and all the other fun chores your typical green-thumbed person loves to do. Members of the Oxford Garden Club gathered Monday at the township-village complex for their first […]