It’s been a long time ? at least 10 minutes or so ? since a public official has angered me as much as Janet Thomas has. Words cannot even begin to describe the sheer loathing and utter contempt the current vice president of the Oakland Schools Board of Education generates within me. Much like a […]
One day in January 1970, then-Oxford resident Cathy Kowalski decided she needed to find a job. ‘I started at the end of (Washington Street) and was going to go into each business,? she said. The first business she entered was Sherman Publications, Inc. (The Oxford Leader). As luck would have it, the business was hiring […]
Some members of Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ gathered in the Centennial Park gazebo Easter Sunday for a special sunrise service at 7 a.m.
The story is pure Horatio Alger. Hometown boy leaves rural America to join the navy. While serving his country, he sees the world and receives a college education. The boy, now a man, returns home several years later to become a successful business and family man. Craving the chance to make a difference in his […]
TDS Automotive announced last week plans to close its Oxford Village plant June 25 and permanently lay off the nearly 100 workers employed there. The closing of the 201 E. Drahner Road facility was announced in an April 8 press release from TDS Automotive, which is headquartered in London, Ontario, Canada. TDS Automotive provides material […]
Oxford residents Doug Grandy, 9, and P.J. Sisk, 7, each won first place trophies in a April 6 Tae Kwon Do tournament at Oxford Elementary School. The tournament was for students participating in a local Tae Kwon Do course conducted by the Rochester Hills-based Kerry Roop’s Superkicks For America, Inc. and offered through Oxford Township […]
A special meeting of the Oxford Public Fire and EMS Commission on Thursday, April 8 was cancelled due to the lack of a quorum among the board’s village council members. All seven township board members were present, but only one village councilman, Dave Bailey, was in attendance. According to OPFEC’s by-laws a quorum of both […]
A quick stop for a pack of cigarettes at a local gas station last week cost a man his pickup truck. A 1994 Ford pickup truck belonging to a 33-year-old Orion man was reported stolen April 6 from the parking lot of Uncle Boomba’s Marathon gas station on the southwest corner of M-24 and Drahner […]
A public hearing is set for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 20 regarding the updating and extension of the Oxford Community Development Authority’s (OCDA) Downtown Development and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan. The original OCDA plan ‘sunsets,? or expires, on July 1, 2005. The authority was formed in 1982. OCDA officials wish to extend the plan […]
Leonard Elementary School Principal Sue Hannant sported a Mohawk hairdo Thursday as a reward for her students? prolific reading abilities. During the month of March, Leonard Elementary’s 319 kindergarten through fifth-grade students read an impressive total of 3,709 books. Hannant originally challenged the student body to read 1,500 books as part of ‘March is Reading […]