Post-Katrina progress slow in New Orleans, teacher says

‘Have a safe weekend? was still written on one of the chalkboards at Charles J. Colton Middle School in New Orleans? Lower 9th Ward. The date above it ? Aug. 26, 2005. It’s as though time just stopped at this school when Hurricane Katrina slammed the Gulf Coast three years ago. ‘A lot of the […]

New gallery features nature, horse photos

From noble horses to majestic landcapes, photographer Josh Nielsen loves to capture the splendor and wonder of the natural world in its purest forms. Beginning this weekend, both art and nature lovers will be able to view the Addison resident’s work at his new Oxford-based gallery Fields Without Fences. ‘I’ve always liked Oxford,? he said, […]

SUV plows into house, injures pregnant mom

A 22-year-old pregnant Oxford woman was seriously injured Thursday night when an SUV plowed into her 1480 Ray Road home and struck her as she laid in bed. As a result of the crash, Bobbie Rae Shell was listed in critical condition at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. The mother of one is 16 […]

Clear Lake celebrates 50th

More than 4,000 Oxford students in grades K-12 went back to school Tuesday as parents all over the 96-square-mile district rejoiced. For the staff and students at Clear Lake Elementary, the first day of school this year was quite the milestone. The elementary school located on W. Drahner Rd. is celebrating its 50th birthday. To […]

Helmuth supporters confront council

By C.J. Carnacchio Leader Editor Last week’s Oxford Village Council meeting was more like a meeting of the Maureen ‘Moe? Helmuth fan club. ‘Moe is Oxford,? said Dave Weckle, lifelong Oxford resident and local developer. ‘Eliminating her position is one thing, but don’t eliminate Moe.? ‘I wouldn’t be in business today if it hadn’t been […]

Councilman harassed, clerk threatened over Moe’s layoff

An offensive, insulting and harassing anonymous letter sent to an Oxford Village Councilman is being looked into by both the local police and U.S. Post Office. ‘I haven’t wavered. It’s not intimidating me,? said Councilman Tony Albensi, who received the letter in the mail Aug. 20. Albensi said the village police have been made aware […]

Grant OKed for pharmacy makeover

Tim Davidson’s prescription to improve his pharmacy’s appearance and restore his building’s character was filled by the Oxford Downtown Development Authority. The DDA recently voted unanimously to award a $10,000 facade grant and $1,500 door grant to Patterson Prescription Pharmacy, which Davidson has owned since 1994. ‘We’re looking to restore the building to its original […]

Orion Vets Memorial to host 9/11 Remembrance activities

Every generation has a date it will never forget. For the World War II generation, it was Dec. 7, 1941, the day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. For the Baby Boomers, it was Nov. 22, 1963, the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. For the current generation, it’s Sept. 11, 2001, the day Islamic […]

You look mahvelous! Absolutely mahvelous!

It’s the property owners who wield paint brushes, plant flowers, and manicure their lawns to perfection that keep the Village of Oxford looking so good. To recognize all their hard work and aesthetic efforts, the village’s Beautification Commission recently named nine winners as part of its 16th Annual Beautification Awards program Three attractive businesses and […]

Youth, potential dominate cross country

With 12 freshmen on the boys team and a girls team dominated by underclassmen, potential is probably the best word to describe Oxford’s cross country squads this season. ‘We’re very, very pleased with both groups,? said Coach Ray Sutherland. ‘Our biggest strength is our potential.? A strong middle school program combined with the district’s elimination […]