Remembering 9/11 at Vets? Memorial

Every generation has a date it will never forget. For the World War II generation, it was Dec. 7, 1941, the day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. For the Baby Boomers, it was Nov. 22, 1963, the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. For the current generation, it’s Sept. 11, 2001, the day Islamic […]

Twp. cuts deputy, keeps substation

Oxford Township decided to cut a deputy from the midnight shift, but keep its Oakland County Sheriff’s substation and the full-time secretary who staffs it. Last week, the township board voted 5-2 to eliminate a deputy from the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift as a way to cut costs in light of decreased tax […]

Library board accepts lease terms for larger space

It’s still not a done deal, but the Addison Township Library Board of Trustees took a big step Friday night toward nearly tripling the size of its facility. The board voted 5-1 to authorize itself to enter into a 10-year lease agreement for approximately 3,000 square feet inside the Lakeville Towne Square strip mall on […]

Friends host Q&A about potential move

There was definitely no shortage of questions Jan. 13 as the Friends of the Addison Township Public Library hosted an informational meeting regarding the library’s potential move into the Lakeville Towne Square strip mall (see related story above). Following a brief PowerPoint presentation, the highlights of which can be viewed in the shaded box on […]

New top cop a familiar face

A familiar face is now in command of the Oakland County Sheriff’s substation in Oxford. Sgt. Scott Patterson is the township’s new top cop and he’s ready to continue the outstanding service and professionalism the sheriff’s department has delivered here for the past 10 years. ‘I’m looking forward to this opportunity to continue in the […]

15 BPA winners heading to states

If the next Donald Trump or Bill Gates is being molded at Oxford High, they’re most likely a member of the school’s Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter. Fifteen of the club’s 25 members qualified for BPA’s state competition by placing at the Regional 7 competition held Jan. 7 at Baker College in Flint. ‘We […]

Twp. wants state to clarify MM law

Rather than take any action regarding a proposed ordinance to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries at the local level, the Oxford Township Board last week decided to appeal to the state Legislature for direction in these uncharted waters. ‘I think we need to put pressure on our state reps. and our senators who are sitting there […]

Preschoolers read 872 books in one month

They read. They ate. They played. Thirty-eight energetic Oxford preschoolers jam-packed the McDonald’s restaurant and indoor playland in Lake Orion Jan. 13 as their reward for reading a mind-boggling 872 books in just one month. ‘We were shocked,? said teacher Kelly Lee. ‘They really jumped into it.? The students, who attend Lakeville Elementary, read as […]

So long, Hank!

What do you say to a guy who’s leaving the community after devoting 19 years of his life to helping, counseling and mentoring thousands of local youth? Residents have until Feb. 14 to think about it because that is Hank Szlenkier’s last official day as the caseworker for Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance (OAYA). ‘They’re pulling me […]

Village retention of DDA funds may not be legal

It’s been a bone of contention between the Oxford Downtown Development Authority and Oxford Village Council for about five years, but now, it appears the situation might finally get resolved. It all depends on what the attorneys say and how officials on both sides react The sore subject is the $145,000 the village currently charges […]