To heck with the diet! Pass the paczki

Calorie-laden bits of Heaven deep-fried in lard. That’s probably the best way to describe the hundreds of homemade doughnuts and paczki that Joe and Ethel Strzelecki crank out every year at their Oxford home on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday. ‘Everybody just loves them,? Ethel said. For the last 25 years, family, friends and neighbors […]

Grapplers on the march!

Throughout history, conquering heroes have marched in parades designed to honor their deeds and let the crowd share in their glory. That tradition will continue on Saturday, March 12 as Oxford’s conquering heroes ? the OHS wrestling team ? will come marching down Washington St. (M-24) to celebrate winning the Division I state championship in […]

Med reps offer OHS students real-life lessons

Some Oxford High School students got an opportunity to see how the knowledge and skills they’re learning in the classroom today have important applications in the real world tomorrow. Aaron Elling and Jerry Topolinski, a couple of sales representatives for Restore Sports Medicine, visited the school Friday morning to discuss how innovation has caused the […]

Hanson wins Senior of the Year award

She’s been Oxford’s travel agent for two decades, coordinating hundreds of fun-filled trips that have spawned thousands of wonderful memories. In appreciation for all her efforts, Mary Jean Hanson, an employee of the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department, is going to be honored with a state award. The 80-year-old Lake Orion resident is scheduled […]

Girlfriends Walk wins Main Street award

One of downtown Oxford’s newest and most popular events received some positive recognition last week. The Girlfriends Walk ? a combination charitable event and downtown promotion ? received the Outstanding Retail Event Award at Main Street Oakland County’s ‘Main Event? celebration, held Friday evening at Glen Oaks Golf Club in Farmington Hills. ‘We’re over-the-moon happy […]

OHS participates in Goodwill campaign to help unemployed

When it comes to leadership, Oxford High School’s always been synonymous with the concept in the classroom, on the field and throughout the community. That’s why it comes as no surprise that OHS is among the first 19 schools in southeast Michigan to embrace a new fund-raising campaign designed to help combat local unemployment. ‘It’s […]

My Way

I’ve never been attracted to meek or subservient women. I’ve never understood men who would rather have a shadow than an equal. By the same token, I’ve never liked women who annoyingly spout off about ’empowerment? and ‘sisterhood? while sporting some inane inspirational wristband. Or women whose lives revolve around purses, shoes and imitating ‘Sex […]

To abate or not to abate? That is the question

Opinions were mixed and the debate was passionate, but in the end, the Oxford Township Board chose not to oppose tax abatements requested of the village council by manufacturing companies Royal Oak Boring and Royal Oak Medical Devices. ‘These tax abatements are great for the community. Not only does it keep the business in our […]

Twp. must replace faulty well

It appears one of Oxford Township’s groundwater wells was improperly installed in a way that causes severe damage to pumping equipment and now, the municipality must drill a new one for an estimated $85,000 to $103,500. Officials are investigating the situation. ‘I am in the process of trying to get to the bottom of this […]

Paad to face 5 counts of embezzlement

An Oxford Village employee will face criminal charges for allegedly stealing tax money from the municipality. Deputy Clerk M. Patricia Paad, who has been suspended without pay since late January, will be charged with five counts of embezzlement by a public official over $50, according to Oakland County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Paul Walton. Each count […]