Nothing but net!

Jacob Calendar, 7, of Oxford, does his best Michael Jordan impression during one of the many children’s activities at Celebrate Oxford Saturday. Thousands of people were out and about downtown sampling all Oxford has to offer from great food and entertainment to classic cars and family fun. The weather was perfect and by all accounts […]

Up close and personal with Civil War wreck

Anne Corscadden Knox is hoping a diving expedition in the Florida Keys will uncover some clues regarding the 146-year-old mystery surrounding the sinking of a Civil War era ship. ‘We’ll try and come up with some type of idea of what happened, how she wrecked, how she went down,? said the 31-year-old Oxford resident, who’s […]

These aren’t Tonkas he’s playing with

There probably isn’t a red-blooded American male alive who doesn’t have fond memories of playing with little green army men and toy trucks as a kid. Unfortunately, as boys grow into men they’re forced to put those terrific toys away forever, unless you’re Mike Miller. He just bought bigger toys. Miller, a 1987 Clarkston High […]

Holy Picaso, Batman! The Chalker strikes!

Hanna Kello’s art work was recently on display in downtown Oxford. But you won’t find the 18-year-old Lake Orion resident’s drawings framed in an avant-garde gallery or hanging in a stuffy museum. Kello’s art adorns the public sidewalks and lasts as long as the weather or the DPW workers permit it to. During the wee […]

Immanuel welcomes interim pastor

An interim pastor has arrived at Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ to help shepherd the 129-year-old Oxford spiritual institution through a journey of self-examination and discovery that will ultimately lead to a permanent pastor. ‘I’m hoping this transition time will be a time for the congregation to renew itself and to make its ministries […]

Turning games into a career

Back when the video game Mortal Kombat made its debut in 1992, Aaron Hall and a friend would play it everyday at downtown Oxford’s movie theater, stopping only when their $10 roll of quarters was gone. These days the 1988 Oxford High School graduate doesn’t have much time to play video games because he’s too […]

My Way

It’s nearly 1:30 a.m. Wednesday morning as I finally sit down to pen this brief post-election column. I am exhausted, yet exhilarated because I truly feel that the Forces of Good triumphed in yesterday’s primary election. For the first time in a long time, I’m actually optimistic about the future of local government around these […]

Come on and sing along!

Performer Barbara Bailey Hutchison leads a group of tots in a sing-a-long during last week’s concert in Centennial Park. This week Rich Eddy’s Rockin? Oldies Band will perform from 7-9 p.m. Thursday. Remember there are only two concerts left! Photo by C.J. Carnacchio.

Fighting cancer as a family

Fighting cancer is truly a family affair for the Lesters. ‘It’s become a personal issue,? said Lon Lester, a 1987 graduate of Oxford High School. On Sunday, Oxford Hills Golf and Country Club hosted the 9th Annual Roy E. and Budd H. Lester Memorial Golf Outing. A total of 132 golfers participated in the four-person […]

Twp. looks to eliminate, not expand, hunting bans

It started out as a public hearing last week to gather input regarding a proposed ban on hunting and the discharge of firearms in dense residential zoning districts in Oxford Twp. It ended with a decision by the township board to look into getting rid of all its local ordinances banning firearm discharge and hunting […]