Local contractor may seek legal action over village’s handling of bids

It was difficult decision, but choosing which company’s going to build Oxford Village’s new water treatment plant certainly shouldn’t have been a controversial one. Unfortunately, in this community, it seems as if any decision has the potential to become fraught with controversy. Last week, the village council voted 5-0 to enter into negotiations with the […]

Nice day for a bike ride

Saturday was a great day for a nice long bike ride and that’s exactly what the 243 cyclists who participated in the 10th Annual Rural Pearl of a Ride did. The fund-raising bike ride that began on the Polly Ann Trail raised $4,986 for Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance and Orion Area Youth Assistance. Although there were […]

Village agrees to pay $180K to Grove family, law firm

There are two things at the end of the litigation tunnel ? light and a toll booth. Anybody got $180,323 in tokens? Last week, the Oxford Village Council voted 5-0 to follow the terms of Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Martha Anderson’s March 18 final order regarding the nine-year legal battle over a 0.51-acre piece […]

Renowned Latina storyteller coming

A renowned Latina storyteller and author is coming to downtown Oxford’s Casa Real restaurant on Friday, April 29 to share her craft and the beauty of her language. Using a dramatic mix of Spanish and English, Olga Loya will share traditional tales from Latin America as well as stories from her own life growing up […]

The story behind that windmill

For a guy with no Dutch ancestry whatsoever, Addison resident Richard Ludeman builds one heck of a windmill. Although it looks like it’s always been there, the Dutch-style windmill located near the intersection of Hosner Rd. and Fox Cove was actually built by Ludeman in 1987-88. ‘A lot of people tell me it’s a landmark […]

Twp. looks to attract new development

What can be done to make it easier for property owners and developers to do business in Oxford Township? That was the central question last week as the township’s Economic Development Subcommittee (EDSC) met with some of the community’s primary property owners to discuss future land use in the community and how to streamline the […]

My Way

Never let it be said I can’t admit a mistake or correct an error. Last week, I wrote that Oxford Schools ranked 28th out of Oakland County’s 28 school districts in terms of college-preparedness based on the ACT. Actually, the district is ranked 28th out of the 65 high schools in the county, which included […]

Technology, children’s programs priorities for library candidate

Lyn Henderson said she’s ready to move the Addison Township Public Library forward as its new director, the only question is will the library board hire her? Henderson, who’s worked part-time at the library since December 2005, had her second interview with the library board Thursday. ‘You hire me and together we work on vision […]

Court panel awards Knaufs $425K for parking property

After years of legal wrangling, the controversy over downtown Oxford’s northeast parking lot could finally be over ? or it could be starting yet another chapter. Last week, a case evaluation panel appointed by the Oakland County Circuit Court awarded Knauf Family Properties the sum of $425,000 (which includes interest and attorney fees) for the […]

Old industrial building could become indoor sports facility

An Oxford resident with an idea to turn a dilapidated old industrial facility owned by the village into a privately-operated indoor sports training facility is currently negotiating a lease agreement. ‘It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do,? said Dan D’Alessandro, who recently approached council with a proposal to use the village-owned facility located at […]