Addison hires new library director

After a search that spanned nearly two months, the Addison Township Public Library finally has a new director and her name is Jaema Berman. ‘Jaema’s a great candidate,? said Evelyn Pickwick, acting president of the library board. ‘She’s got all the qualifications that we’re looking for. She has experience with fund-raising and she’s worked in […]

Church gets vandalism repaired for free

Apparently, there are two things the Devil has no power over ? people’s kindness and vinyl siding. Last week, the Leader reported how someone vandalized the Pathway Baptist Church (1285 W. Drahner Rd.) in Oxford Township by painting Satanic symbols on it. When Pastor Wayne Bennett arrived on the morning of Good Friday, he discovered […]

Gunshot leads to arrest in MHP

A gunshot fired during a late-night argument inside the Parkhurst Estates manufactured home community in Oxford Township led to the arrest of a Pontiac man who’s no stranger to the criminal justice system. Convicted felon Dustin Matney, 26, was arraigned April 27 in Rochester Hills 52-3 District Court on two felony charges ? felon in […]

Hardware owner honors troops who took out bin Laden

‘Good job troops.? It’s a simple message, but it says it all for Tom Toteff, owner of Tom’s Hardware located at 558 S. Lapeer Rd. in Oxford Township. Toteff posted the message Monday on his store’s sign as a way to thank the U.S. military forces who quietly slipped into Pakistan and killed Osama bin […]

LeRoy calling it quits after 37 years

A person who’s devoted 37 years of his life to serving and protecting his home town is more than just a man, he’s a local institution and a symbol of trust. For nearly four decades, the people of Oxford have looked to Fire Chief Jack LeRoy, 59, for leadership, expertise and help in times of […]

OHS teacher, husband charged in sexual assault of student

An Oxford High School teacher and her husband, a registered sex offender, were arraigned Thursday in Independence Township’s 52-2 District Court in connection with the alleged sexual assault of a 16-year-old Oxford girl who did odd jobs around their home and was considered a friend. ‘They took away something from me as a father that […]

My Way

Little Johnny had a big problem. He got his report card and things weren’t looking so good. He got one C, three D’s and an F. On top of that, he got his MEAP test results and they weren’t so hot either. Little Johnny was sure his parents were going to kill him for doing […]

Students selected to learn civics, build leadership skills

Today, they’re bright, eager high school students, but tomorrow they could be our political leaders making policy decisions in Lansing and Washington D.C. A highly-motivated group of six Oxford High School students have been selected to participate in three summer programs designed to educate them about public service, promote good citizenship and prepare them to […]

Stumph representing Oxford at BPA nationals

There’s a Wildcat in Washington D.C. this week. Oxford High School senior Jake Stumph is prowling around the nation’s capital, competing at the 2011 Business Professionals of America (BPA) National Leadership Conference May 4-8. He’s there showcasing his computer skills because he placed fifth in the Fundamentals of Web Design category at the BPA state […]

Fitchena hired attorney to fight ex-employee’s unemployment

If a supervisor working for a public entity uses her money to hire a personal attorney to fight an ex-employee’s unemployment claim, is it justice or vengeance? It all depends on who you ask and which side you believe. ‘I took it upon myself to hire an attorney to protect my own self and my […]