On May 13 Atlas Township resident David Conklin was appointed director of the Genesee District Library. He becomes the fifth director of the 19 branches, including the Goodrich Library. ‘The library is the center of any community,? said Conklin, an Oakland County native, with a Master of Libary Information Science degree from Wayne State University […]
Goodrich-In 2012 the village council, by a 4-0 vote, approved bonds to finance the cost of improvements to the Dutch Road Bridge over the Kearsley Creek and repairs to Erie Street. Shelby Township-based Dan’s Excavating was awarded the bid for the job which begins this summer. The construction cost of the Dutch Road Bridge improvements […]
From 7 to 8 p.m., May 22, the Ortonville Community Historical Society will host the ‘Evolution of the Bicycle? at the Old Mill, 366 Mill St., Ortonville. Don Wilson, from the Flushing Area Historical Society, presents an hour-long historical discussion on bicycles between 1800 to 1930. ‘The first Velocipede (bicycle) did not have pedals and […]
Goodrich-A book used to study historical fiction’is now a little reality. Michelle LaRowe, a district teacher for the past 12 years who currently serves as an eighth grade literature instructor for about 90 students and three classes incorporated, ‘Stop the Sun,? by author Gary Paulsen into her class work. Paulsen’s story is how 13-year-old Terry […]
After three years in the battlefields of Korea’Don Kengerski hitchhiked home. ‘Back then, no one welcomed me when I came home from Korea,? he said. ‘I ended up in Detroit taking a street car north on Woodword as far as it went, then got a ride to Warren where I lived with my family. I […]
Goodrich-From May 3-7 about 139 middle school students took a class trip east to Gettysburg and Washington, DC. The trip was coordinated by English teacher Dawn Robb, and history teacher Tena Czap, along with parents. The excursion paid for by class fundraising efforts has sparked middle school students? interest for the past 11 years, said […]
Ortonville- When CreekFest returns next month, it will be a few weeks later than usual, will be expanded to two days, and with new events, will be bigger and better than ever, say organizers. CreekFest, the annual environmental education event celebrating Kearsley Creek and local waterways will be June 29-30 in the village. Last year, […]
Atlas Twp.-The board of trustees voted 5-0 Monday night to purchase about three acres of property south of the township hall along Gale Road. The parcel was purchased from a township resident at the assessed value of $37,600. Township Supervisor Shirley Kautman-Jones said there is no immediate use for the property, which was discussed in […]
Goodrich- In April the board approved a bid from the Holland Bus Company for $388,500 for the purchase of six used buses. Due to deficits in the district’s budget and consideration of privatization of bus service, some questioned the need for the purchase of the buses. ‘There has been much concern over the purchase of […]
Goodrich- Drug testing will not be part of the activities policy. At the Monday night school board meeting, the high school policy committee recommended that drug testing for students would not be part of the athletic student handbook for the 2013-14 school year. In January, School Board President David Cramer suggested, with support from other […]