Brandon Twp.- Larry Warner’s final written statement to Brandon High School was simple, ‘After 33 years I believe I have accrued enough credits to finally graduate from Brandon.? While his last words were rather brief, his career and contributions to the school where monumental. Warner, 54, announced on Monday he’ll retire at the end of […]
Atlas Twp.- Chloe Slade needed a break from her studies. Chloe, 18, a 2009 Goodrich High School graduate and Syracuse University freshman was preparing for fall semester exams and just happened to visit the MTV website. ‘There’s a section called, ‘MTV Teen Cribs casting calls,?? said Chloe. ‘So I sent pictures of my house and […]
For the past 18 springs Brandon High School Varsity Baseball Coach Ron Wagner would lace up his cleats, gather a bag of bats, and step onto the diamond. Not this season. ‘It’s going to be tough,? said Wagner, 56. After leading the Blackhawk Varsity Baseball team since 1991, Wagner’s contract with the district was not […]
Brandon Twp.-Township officials are taking aim at the current retirement plan which they say may not financially afford retirement-eligible employees the ability to retire with a sufficient income. The Brandon Fire Department has 13 employees with four eligible to retire in the next six years. The township administration has 22 full-time employees with five eligible […]
The deadline to be placed on the May ballot for an open seat on the Goodrich School Board is 4 p.m., Feb. 9. Those individuals interested should file a petition with six electors signatures or pay a $100 filing fee with the Genesee County Election Coordinator. The address for the county clerk’s office is 900 […]
Groveland Twp.-At about 3:30 a.m. Tuesday, township resident Mary Drouillard was awoken by her neighbor that a motorist traveling south on M-15 was involved in an accident with her two horses. Injured in the late night accident was ‘Tara,? a 12 year-old mare and a 20 year-old gelding ‘Olli.? Drouillard was boarding both horses on […]
Groveland Twp.- The township board voted on Monday night to support a resolution requiring that a local unit of government’s ‘ability to pay? be considered when an arbitrator’s award is determined. The resolution that takes aim at House Bill 5325 (State Representative Joe Haveman-R Holland to Amend PA 312), was in part a response to […]
Ortonville- From helping establish a school library to scouts to teaching Sunday school, for more than half a century Martina Kier volunteered her time and skills to make this community a better place. Martina, 86 died May 3. Born in New Brunswick, N.J. in 1919, she earned a master’s degree in science from the University […]
Ortonville-On Wednesday morning about 18 Brandon Middle School students were up to their knees in a mixture of mud, water and a host of questions. The group of students from Dave Green’s seventh grade science class spent the cool, sunny spring morning collecting samples from Kearsley Creek near the M-15 bridge. Donning waders and sharing […]
Goodrich- After a devastating fire ripped through the Goodrich House apartment complex at the corner of Hegel Road and Clarence Street in the early morning hours of Sept. 27’the 160-year-old village landmark may now succumb to demolition crews. ‘It’s not 100 percent conclusive, but right now the intent is to demolish the building,? said Chris […]