Coyotes among us

Brandon Twp. -Like many area hunters, township resident Ken Barch utilizes a digital trail camera to check out wildlife that roam in the wooded area behind his southeast township home. From deer to cats to raccoons, the stationary camera snaps a picture when an animal passes near Barch’s home. ‘Coyotes are pretty common out there, […]

Township grapples with cost-recovery plan

Atlas Twp.- The township board is currently pursuing an ordinance to establish cost-recovery charges for emergency services and provide a method for collection. The township is taking aim at police or fire emergencies, first responder services, hazardous-materials response, police or fire standby. According to the terms of the proposed ordinance discussed at Monday’s monthly meeting, […]

Local speaks of life in communist China

Beijing- Each day Ortonville native Jane Kier Moore works, shops and enjoys entertainment’a lifestyle synonymous with most the United States. Yet for Kier Moore each day’s subtle differences, like CNN’s frequent blackouts due to government censoring reminds her that life in Communist China is far from the freedoms of home. Like thousands of other American […]

Schools of Choice doors may soon swing wide open in district

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- A possible change in the Schools of Choice policy within the Genesee Intermediate School District could impact the enrollment of the district. The school board discussed a proposal Monday night, suggested by GISD superintendents, which provides that school districts within their boundaries open their doors to all students who apply […]

Local gardener receives 2009 Community Hero Award

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- Village resident Nancy Steele’s notoriety has now grown to a new level. Steele, who has cared for the village gardens and flowers since 2002, was selected to receive the 2009 Community Hero Award. The award will be presented at the 2010 Community Beautification Leadership Conference at noon March 6 at […]

Township to consider wind energy ordinance

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-The township planning commission will recommend adoption of a wind energy ordinance to the board of trustees at the Feb. 22 meeting. Rick Misek, planning commission chairman, said the ordinance was approved on Jan. 20 at the township planning commission meeting. ‘At the current state of technology, wind energy in […]

Blackhawk wrestler wins 100th

Brandon High school wrestler and senior Matt Sweetman won his 100th match in his high school career on Jan 20, raising his record to 21-8 on the season. Sweetman is a two-year team captain, Mid-Michigan Wrestling Association regional and state qualifier who placed fourth at the Myway States tournament at Michigan State University at 122 […]

Ortonville house fire

A couch too close to a fireplace was the cause of a village house fire Tuesday. A passer-by called 9-1-1 at 12:55 a.m., Feb. 2 to the 100 block of Mill Street for a house fire. Three minutes later, Brandon firefighters arrived at the blaze where flames were coming through the living room area. The […]

Township board OKs demolition of home

Brandon Twp – Township officials say they’ve been patient with property owner John Sloan for more than four years’but finally his time has run out. On April 18 the township board voted 7-0 awarding Addison Disposal, L.L.C. of Leonard the contract to demolish and remove the home Sloan set out to build on Legault Boulevard […]

Township board OKs demolition of home

Brandon Twp – Township officials say they’ve been patient with property owner John Sloan for more than four years’but finally his time has run out. On April 18 the township board voted 7-0 awarding Addison Disposal, L.L.C. of Leonard the contract to demolish and remove the home Sloan set out to build on Legault Boulevard […]