Village audit OK’d by council, fund balance unchanged

Goodrich-By a 5-0 vote on Monday night, the village council accepted an audit report from Lewis & Knopf for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Stephanie Kraus, senior staff accountant for Lewis & Knopf, delivered the report to the council. According to the 2015 audit, the village general fund decreased by $896 during the […]

Seeking area Purple Heart recipients

Gary D. Frank was presented a Purple Heart for his sacrifice. At some point, however, the medal presented for being wounded or killed in any action against an enemy of the United States or opposing armed forces was separated from Frank. The medal was found in the Clio area and ended up in the hands […]

Blackhawk grappler sets school win record

Bryan LaVearn will graduate and move on from Brandon High School this spring, however records of his stellar career as a Blackhawk grappler will remain. On Jan. 16, LaVearn notched five victories at the 140-pound weight class during the Brandon Invitational on his way to a new school overall record of 174-14. With the victories […]

Township, business looks toward park plans

Groveland Twp.-The township planning commission is expected to discuss rezoning about 1,000 feet of Grange Hall Road frontage west of Dixie Highway for future development. On Jan. 11, the township board of trustees voted 5-0 to move forward with rezoning some of about 96 acres of township-owned property located on the north side of Grange […]

Stoney Creek coach selected to lead Blackhawks football

On Jan. 22 Brandon High School officials announced that Brad Zube will take over as varsity football coach. Zube, who met with players for the first time on Friday, replaces head coach Tim Pizzala who announced after last season that he would step down following nine seasons at the helm of the Blackhawks. Zube, 37 […]

Bond refund OK’d by school board

Goodrich-By a 7-0 vote on Monday night the school board OK’d a resolution to refund the 2006 bonds. On Nov. 23, 2015, the Board of Education adopted an authorizing resolution by a 7-0 vote to refund the 2006 bonds. A notice of sale was published on Jan. 11 with bids due on Jan 25. The […]

Local youth makes fast trip to World Series of Asphalt Car Racing

If a vehicle can be raced, chances are Michael Clancy, Jr. will win. Any age, on any wheels, 13-year-old Clancy, Jr. is comfortable’from a quad all-terrain vehicle at 2-years-old, a dirt bike by age 4, and quarter midgets at 5 years of age. Now the Brandon Township native and Brandon Middle School seventh grade student […]

Superintendent plantiff named in law challenge

A Goodrich school official and the Secretary of State have ended up in court. Michelle Imbrunone, superintendent of Goodrich School District, was one of the 18 plaintiffs named in the lawsuit filed on Jan. 26 in the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Michigan charging that a ‘gag order? provision in Public Act 269 […]

Community & Education Exploration Night at BHS

From 4-8 p.m., Feb. 24, Brandon School District and the Ortonville Chamber of Commerce will host the Community & Education Exploration Night at Brandon High School, 1025 S. Ortonville Road, Ortonville. Tonia Seling, Expo coordinator and owner of Paramount Signs & GraphiX, 910 Ortonville Road, said the Ortonville Chamber has organized the business expo in […]

MHSAA Scholar-Athlete committee eyes GHS senior

Kyle Gavulic’s basketball career did not work out. Nor did a future in high school football. However, he can run. Very well, actually. So stellar was his running that last week the 17-year-old Martian senior was named as one of 120 finalists for the Michigan High School Athletic Association’s Scholar-Athlete Awards for the 2015-16 school […]

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