Brandon grad volunteers to serve others in Africa

Ortonville, Michigan and the small central African village of Elmina, Ghana are nearly 4,000 miles apart. Yet this summer, the two communities will share at least one thing in common ‘Crystal Wilkerson A 1999 graduate of Brandon High School, Wilkerson, 21, a junior in Elementary Education at Oakland University in Rochester is trying to raise […]

Forest fire chars acreage in recreational area

Groveland Twp.’After fighting fires for more than 11 years, Groveland Township Battalion Chief Pat Stampen says the April 27 fire in the Holly Recreational Area was one of the worst he’d seen. ‘When we arrived at the fire it was moving pretty fast,? said Stampen. ‘There’s no way you could out run it and within […]

Fleeting Thoughts

February 2003, Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson OK’d funding for an all out war on the West Nile Virus in Oakland County. The $500,000 will go far to help municipalities fight a deadly mosquito carried illness that tallied 20 deaths and 184 know cases in Oakland County alone. Given the outbreak of SARS today, […]

Fleeting Thoughts

Nearly 10 years have passed since Congress authorized the construction of the National World War II memorial now under construction on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. After many years of fund-raisng and public hearings the effort to honor America’s World War II generation will be dedicated on May 29, 2004. A well deserved and […]

Talking Trash

Groveland Twp.? Township officials will soon consider a township-wide preferred waste hauling contract for residents. ‘Our primary concern is to save the residents money,? said David Ax, Groveland Township trustee, who will lead the upcoming work session. ‘Our objective is to provide the residents a preferred vendor and not make it one contract for the […]

Septic tank inspections considered

Local residents may soon be contending with a new ordinance aimed at septic systems. The proposed septic tank inspection ordinance would put all 80,000 septic systems in Oakland County, including about 7,000 locally on a five-year inspection cycle or each time the property is sold. County officials? concern stems from several factors including a report […]

St. Anne’s set to welcome new padre

Lake Orion-Adorning the walls of Associate Pastor Fr. Bernard Mullen’s office at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Lake Orion, are several pictures ranging from impressionist to photographs of jazz players to a few unknown artists. The various pieces of art, says Mullen, are used to tell a story, spread the word and reach out to […]

Fleeting Thoughts

On Sept. 1, 1912, Martha died in the Cincinnati Zoo. Martha, a female passenger pigeon was preceeded in death by her mate a few years earlier. Thus, with no male pigeon the species was doomed. Today, Martha is nestled among our nation’s greatest treasures’preserved in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. Her life story is […]

Local waste haulers may be licensed

Groveland Twp.-Local waste haulers who service the nearly 6,000 households in the Brandon and Ortonville township areas may be subject to new guidelines if Groveland Township officials have their way. A new solid waste and recyclable materials collection license is being considered by Groveland Township officials. Groveland Township Supervisor Robert DePalma said the guidelines, similar […]

Fleeting Thoughts

If the Red Wings were playing in the Stanley Cup finals on Monday night it would be understandable, but a 2 percent turnout for a school board election in the Brandon School District? Put another way, 256 residents made the decisons for about 12,000 registered voters. Do voters realize how important each vote is in […]

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