Driver smashs his way down M-24

When a Leonard man, 49, ended his travels on M-24 during rush hour traffic on Oct. 21, the road was littered with vehicles he’d smashed along the way. His hitting spree began shortly before 5 p.m. By the time he passed Elizabeth Street, he had caused five separate accidents involving up to nine vehicles. According […]

Baseball field named for long-time volunteer

Ballfield #1 at Friendship Park received a new name on Oct. 8. A large group of family and friends were on hand as the ballfield, located at Baldwin/Clarkston Roads was officially named (Kevin) Spencer Field. Orion Township Parks and Recreation Director Rock Blanchard wanted to honor Spencer, who died this past July at the age […]


Here we go again — changing the rules. After spending a few years of life slathering my body with sun screen, I’m now reading if I do that too much, it may contribute to my death far more than it prevents any health problems. As we all know, vitamin D is good for us. For […]

It’s time for a new parks & rec master plan

It’s been almost five years since Lake Orion hired a company to create a Recreation Master Plan. It’s time to do another say members of the village’s parks and recreation committee. Village council members agreed and on Oct. 11 hired Wade Trim to do the work. Committee members recommended hiring Wade Trim at a cost […]

Bus stop stays where it is

A mother who can’t understand why the school district is not changing a bus stop that’s allegedly in front of a sex offender’s house, recently found out why. Other parents in the neighborhood want to keep the bus stop right where it is, according to Lake Orion School District Assistant Superintendent Dave Beiter. Forty four […]

Village officials not giving up on left turn problem

Injury car accidents, fender-benders … you name it — they’ve all occurred frequently at the M-24/Atwater intersection. The latest accident, where a child was seriously injured, has spurred new attempts by Village of Lake Orion officials to install a left arrow at the intersection. Both LO Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel and LO Police Chief […]

Child seriously injured in M-24 accident

One 10-year-old child was seriously injured in an accident that occurred Sept. 10 at 6:40 p.m. at the Atwater/M-24 intersection in the Village of Lake Orion. A preliminary investigation of the accident backed up traffic on M-24 until after 10 p.m. The accident involved a minivan with two adults and three children inside and a […]


No plane traveling for my friends and I this year over the Labor Day weekend. After missing our flight out of Flint when we flew to Denver last year, we figured we would be better off driving to Tennessee. Of course, who would have thought we would be on the road during the highest gas […]

5 seek council seats on Sept. 13

For the first time ever, voters in the Village of Lake Orion are going to the polls in September. Five candidates are on the Sept. 13 ballot vying to fill four village council seats. Incumbents Bill Siver and John Ranville hope to return for another term. Newcomers seeking a spot on the council are Julie […]

Attacked resident asks for answers

It was a nice day in June when Keith Pascoe and his wife Patty visited Children’s Park in the Village of Lake Orion. While pushing his granddaughter on the swings, Keith was dragged to the ground and knocked unconscious by a mentally ill man who had once lived in a home in the village. Chad […]

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