The planets must have been aligned at just the right time. Lake Orion School District officials announced last week that a bond refinancing plan will save the district over $10.8 million. Brenda Palmer, of AG Edwards told school board members on Feb. 9, ‘This hit the market at the most opportune time.? AG Edwards is […]
The principal at Scripps Middle School is moving to the school district’s main office. Ken Gutman was appointed Lake Orion School District’s Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources at the Feb. 9 school board meeting. He’ll officially take over that position on July 1. Chris Lehman, the current assistant superintendent, has been picked to replace retiring […]
Three candidates vying for two school board seats will be on the May 3 Lake Orion School District election ballot. Newcomer Steve Lawless of Aldrin Drive and incumbent Jim Weidman of Browning Drive are seeking a four year term. Weidman has been on the school board for four years. Bill Walters, who was appointed to […]
Take the age test… Molly and I are flying to Arizona this week for a wedding. It’s my first time in this western state. The bride-to-be tells us it’s been raining for a week. At least they don’t have an ice storm. Have some fun while I’m gone and take the following test 1. Name […]
What are we talking about here? ‘Short leads give more maneuverability. Long leads and lead lines limit your ability to go where you need to go. The more traffic the more important.? This might sound like directions to get through rush hour traffic. It isn’t. It’s a fishing tip. Did you know? We all love […]
One negative village council vote wouldn’t keep developers from returning to another council meeting in February. Village Developers, who want to develop a 27 single-family unit condominium site on the west side of Newton Road, were turned down for site approval by a 3-1 Lake Orion Village Council vote on Jan. 24. Newton Meadows had […]
A lot of talk about providing design rules has been going on in the village for a long time. Village council members early in January declined to go along with a recommendation by the planning commission to come up with some regulations that speak to appearance or architectural styles. While saying no to village-wide regulations, […]
A letter-writing campaign asking for fair funding for schools wrapped up last week. Lake Orion School District officials had been asking parents to send letters to Michigan’s governor, Jennifer Granholm, telling her how they feel about the current status of state funding. Scripps Middle School’s principal, Ken Gutman, personally delivered over a 120 letters to […]
Usage rather than design will continue to be the number one focus in the Village of Lake Orion’s zoning laws. Village council members on Jan. 10 declined to incorporate a new ‘form-based? approach into its conventional zoning ordinance.. Members of the village planning commission had recommended Form-Base Coding be included into the current rewrite of […]
It’s a celebration of women and The Change. It’s called Menopause The Musical and it’s been at Detroit’s Gem Theatre for 10 months. According to our waiter at the restaurant in the theatre, it will continue to wow audiences into July. Six of us last Thursday night snacked on mussels, crab cakes, gourmet pizzas before […]