I’ve been a Detroit Tigers fan a long time. It was long ago when I wrote to team owner Walter Briggs, Sr. and asked if I could try out for a pitcher’s post. I was probably 15-years-old. I got the kindest, warming thank you from the Tiger organization. The thought came back to me Saturday […]
For me, Saturday mornings have often been the time to turn on a PBS station and watch an Animal Kingdom show. This past Saturday, fawns and geese were featured. That was perfect for me as I stayed inside and watched fawns wander across the creek to my lot with their mamma, followed by a half […]
My sister, Barbara, who plays golf twice a week year around, suggests others use the following list of rules of golf which she has adopted for her play. A ball hooked or sliced into the rough shall be lifted and placed in the fairway at a point equal to the distance it carried in to […]
I think Congressmen should wear uniforms, you know, like NASCAR drivers, so we could identify their corporate sponsors. Here we are a year ahead of the 2016 elections. Already I’ve heard enough propaganda from the self-proclaimed perfect candidates I’ve recleaned my up-chuck bucket three times. From his first speech as president of the United States, […]
I don’t recall ever hearing a commercial that I recall liking as much as the one with a cow saying ‘Eat more chicken.? * * * I was caught up in all the hullabaloo in the news coverage of the Pope coming to the United States. It’s a first for him! I listened to a […]
When I was in Morrice High School, our house was across the street one way and across another street from the Catholic Church. Ma Daddy wasn’t keen toward the Catholic faith, and we kept to our side of the street. And now, 80 years later, I’m being overwhelmed with the Catholic leader, Pope Francis, getting […]
Why have so many people stopped looking for jobs? Government statistics show this to be true. Please note, I did not say people stopped looking for work. Multiple people have stopped looking for jobs because our government is determined to increase welfare opportunities and add more ‘free? money plans. C’mon, Jottings writer, get back on […]
A dedicated Teamsters union worker was attending a convention in Las Vegas and decided to check out the local brothels. When he got to the first one, he asked the madam, ‘Is this a union house?? ‘No, I’m sorry it isn’t? she replied. ‘Well, if I pay you $100, what cut do the girls get?? […]
Don’t you just love listening to some reporters asking some politicians questions who give answers like, ‘That’s currently under investigation.? Or, ‘I’ll get back to you on that.? It’s immediately forgotten. * * * Two years after I got my discharge from the Navy, I had to take a physical to try out for Western […]
This is hardly news, but I was told recently the greenies are out to control the world. But, so are the Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, atheists, Russians, Japanese, Californians, Alaskans, upper and lower Slobovians, oil producers, Mexicans, Hollywood, etc, etc., but not the Detroit Tigers or Lions. ? I’m as confused as a baby in a […]