A trip around the world

From Namibia, to Belgium, to the Maldives, students at Oakview Middle School recently traveled all over the world, without ever having to leave their classrooms. One sixth grade class, and both seventh grade classes at the school on Lake George Road, recently took part in Oakview’s first-ever International Travel Fair. The project stemmed from a […]

Could Moose Tree be saved?

Still in the very preliminary stages, a plan is being discussed between Lake Orion Schools and Oakland County Parks to form a partnership to keep the doors of the Moose Tree Nature Preserve building open. The Moose Tree building has been discussed for the past couple of months as one of the items on the […]

Lisa’s Letters

Things just aren’t the way they used to be, and that sounds especially sad coming from me, as I’m not yet even 30 years old. I remember getting my driver’s license, when it wasn’t unusual to find gasoline for $1 a gallon or less. My father refused on principle to pay more than that, and […]

Library, schools could share ballot

Lake Orion Schools and the Orion Township Public Library could share an election ballot in 2007, as the library is hoping to bring a bond issue to voters, in order to expand the library’s current facility on Joslyn Road. Superintendent Chris Lehman announced the possibility at the school board’s April 26 meeting. ?(The library) is […]

Mother says Children’s Park ducks are hazardous to kids

They might be cute, but the ducks that reside along the Paint Creek in downtown Lake Orion’s Children’s Park are getting a bad reputation, at least from one mother. The Lake Orion Village Council received a letter from a mother who recently visited the park on Broadway Street with her four-year-old daughter. At the council’s […]

School election is Tuesday

Voters are being asked to approve a Headlee override for Lake Orion Schools on May 2, to allow the district to levy the 18 mills approved last year. The school board has said the district stands to lose about $400,000, due to a Headlee rollback, if the override does not pass. The tax will be […]

Lisa’s Letters

Next Tuesday, May 2, Lake Orion Schools will hold an election to see if voters approve of a Headlee override, which would allow the district to levy up to 18 mills on non-homestead properties, the amount approved by voters last year. The 18 mills approved in 2005 are subject to being reduced each year because […]

School board wants more information on budget

Budget cuts will be inevitable, but the Lake Orion School Board has decided they want more information on some items before making any final decisions. Additional information on several budget reduction proposals for the 2006-2007 school year, including the potential closing of the Moose Tree Nature Preserve building, was to be presented at the board’s […]

Art kids

Orion Oaks Elementary School hosted their annual Fine Arts Night on April 6, in conjunction with their 10th year anniversary, opening the school up to parents and students. Among the arts represented were tatting, painting, wildlife art, photography, wood sculpture, pottery, puppeteering, dance and music, and many others. The evening also included the Mobile Alley, […]

GCC loses tax dispute with township

Nearly two years since it first began, the Gingellville Community Center’s dispute with Orion Township over assessed property tax has come to an end, and GCC is on the losing end. GCC Director Pam Hutchison said the center, which is located on Waldon Road in Orion Township, went to court in Jan. to have their […]

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