Good Shepherd sister/brother achieve high MEAP, CAT scores

Although they say they don’t study together, keen math and reading skills must run in the family for Haylee, 9, and Christian, 8, Luedtke. The sister and brother from Good Shepherd Lutheran School were both recently honored with an award ceremony for their achievements in both placing well out of the national range for the […]

LOLA hopes MSU continues study of lake’s toxic algae

Although they have long been known to clog boat motors and cut people’s feet, zebra mussels pose a much more dangerous threat to area lakes then people might previously have realized. Orlando ‘Ace? Sarnelle, an associate professor in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University, studied Oakland County lakes in 2002, including […]

SEMCOG: Buy, don’t swap land

After holding a public meeting on June 24, the Regional Clearinghouse Review Committee of the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) has recommended the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) purchase, rather than swap M-24 property for, land on Indian Lake. The MDNR is currently considering swapping 90.9 acres of state-owned Bald Mountain land along […]

Caring for seniors in their home is perfect job for her

After spending 24 years at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, registered nurse and Lake Orion resident Sandra Stewart gave up her daily commute so she could operate Visiting Angels, offering seniors help at home. ‘I had a strong desire to take care of people,? Stewart said of her initial desire to go into nursing. She […]

Parks millage going on ballot

Orion Township voters will have an opportunity to voice their opinions on having a millage for parks and recreation when they vote in November. Trustees voted June 21, by a vote of 4-1, to place a proposal, providing .75 mill to parks and recreation if it passes, on the November general election ballot. Along with […]

Trail benefits from MSU survey

Paint Creek Trailways Coordinator Kristen Myers said allowing Michigan State University to conduct a user survey on the trail this summer is a win-win situation for everyone involved. Myers was approached by Dr. Christine Vogt and her colleague Dr. Chuck Nelson from MSU with a request to conduct a user survey on the Paint Creek […]

Lighted fields not a priority at this time for parks/rec advisory

Orion Township Parks and Recreation Director Rock Blanchard said the parks and recreation advisory committee will recommend to the township board of trustees on July 6 that spending money on additional lighting for athletic fields is not a priority at this time. The advisory board was to have discussed the request, made by the township […]

Sokol retires as community ed director

Lisa Sokol gives new meaning to the phrase ‘hometown girl.? She was born in Lake Orion, graduated from LOHS in 1971, and will retire this year from Lake Orion Schools as community education director at the Community Educational Resource Center (CERC). Sokol fondly remembers the time she spent at Blanche Sims Elementary School, and Junior […]

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