Clarkston snow

Major streets through Clarkston, which are maintained by the County Road Commission, were cleared, salted, and safe for driving and walking after recent snowfalls, said resident Cory Johnston. On the other hand, opinions on snow and ice removal in downtown Clarkston were mixed. Johnston was displeased with the City of the Village of Clarkston’s response […]

Lust and laughter

‘There’s nobody really innocent in the play,? said actor Jennifer Gentry-Saulski of the characters in the Clarkston Village Players? latest production Sinners. Gentry-Saulski plays femme fatale Monica Lloyd, who isn’t quite what you might expect from a clergyman’s wife. In this satirical comedy by Canadian playwright Norm Foster, the wife of Reverend Edmund Lloyd (played […]

Making headlines

Springfield Plains Elementary students participating in the Clarkston Area Optimists? after school Alpha Club got a visit from Clarkston News reporter Mary Keck on January 8. Alpha Club members created their own headlines by writing articles and drawing illustrations about the latest happenings at SPE.

Vandalism spurs new ordinance

‘We’re putting vandals on notice,? said Independence Township Supervisor Pat Kittle. ‘Commit a property crime in Independence, you’re going to jail.? A breaking and entering ordinance saw its first reading at the Independence Township Board of Trustees meeting on January 8. The new ordinance was proposed to address the increased vandalism and criminal activity in […]

Township seeks investment advice

Why spend money on investment advice when you can get it for free? That’s the question on Independence Township Treasurer Paul Brown’s mind. At the Board of Trustees meeting on January 8, the board voted to do away with their current investment advisors, Munder Capital, and find residents with business and investment acumen, who can […]

Dixie project starts with night work

Roadwork on Dixie Highway has begun, but you may not have noticed it yet. Right now, crews are only coming out at night to videotape sewer lines. According to Rob Morosi of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), workers are marking sections of damaged sewer lines to be repaired or replaced. Drivers might see single-lane […]

City employees get raise

City employees will have a little bit more money in their paycheck in 2013. On Jan. 14, Clarkston City Council unanimously approved a wage increase for every employee, except City Manager Dennis Ritter who proposed the raise for his fellow workers. Ritter intends to retire from his part-time position in April. All seven of the […]

Questions, answers on oil pooling plans

In December, Supervisor Pat Kittle said Independence Township could be caught in a catch-22 with oil and gas exploration because of compulsory pooling. To find out more, The Clarkston News talked with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Assistant Supervisor of Wells, Hal Fitch. What is the potential impact of oil and gas drilling? […]

Neiman pledges community support

‘It’s absolutely terrific,? said Clarkston Rotary President Bart Clark of the new Neiman’s Family Market set to open in late May or mid-June. Renovation of the former Farmer Jack store located on Dixie Highway and White Lake Road began on Jan. 14. On the same day, Clarkston’s Rotarians hosted Bryan Neiman who spoke to the […]

Fish on!

Ice anglers took advantage of recent frigid temperatures to catch and release pike out of the Mill Pond in downtown Clarkston. Blake Romig, Josh Hampshire, and Kevin Miller were on the ice, Jan. 18. They hadn’t caught anything yet that day, but were successful in catching 14-16 inch fish previously.

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