The Minnesota Zoo collected about 200 rare butterfly eggs from the Prairie Fens in Springfield Township on Friday, June 29. The Powsheik Skipperling, a brown butterfly with orange-tipped wings, is on the Michigan threatened species list and is currently a candidate for the Federal endangered species list. ‘Population numbers are declining rapidly,? Conservation Scientist David […]
In their 40th year, the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy (NOHLC) is still preserving land in Independence and other townships. Since 1972 when Clarkston resident Nelson Kimball became the conservancy’s founding president, the NOHLC has preserved 494 acres in Independence Township alone. According to Interim Executive Director Sue Julian, the NOHLC has no plans to […]
Grand Master Joe Sanders sliced 113 club soda bottles with a 32-inch steel Japanese Tatchi sword on July 7. He completed the task on Washington Street in 26.52 seconds. Afterward, he was soaked in club soda. “I was blind after cutting the first bottles. It sure was fun,” Sanders said. During the demonstration, club soda […]
Both the Independence Township board and the Clarkston City Council approved The Clarkston Independence District Library agreement this week. ‘We’re one step closer, but not quite there yet,? said Library Director Julie Meredith. The next step is giving the agreement to Michigan State Librarian Nancy Robertson who has 30 days to approve it. If the […]
For residents living along the Mill Ponds in downtown Clarkston, low water levels have been the source of deep concern. They are unhappy with low water levels, particularly in the Upper Pond, north of Miller Road. As a result, they’ve voiced their frustration to City Council, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and Ed Adler, owner […]
It’s lights out for downtown signs. Clarkston City Council voted 4-2, July 9, to take a hard line on enforcing a sign ordinance prohibiting illuminated signs, at least for now. ‘I patronize the businesses in this town, and I want them to succeed, but rules are rules,” said Councilman Thomas Hunter. “We’re just telling them […]
If you did a rain dance in celebration of the precipitation last week, you’re not alone. Michigan, like 50 percent of the United States, is suffering from drought conditions. While Michigan’s drought isn’t as severe as some other states, farmers in Davisburg and Clarkston are feeling the impact of the hot, dry weather, and so […]
For Bob Ryeson, the upper portion of Mill Pond ‘needs dredging? to get rid of accumulated sediment in the water. In 1975, Mill Pond residents paid approximately $40,000 for dredging. The Mill Pond subcommittee has already looked into dredging as a solution, said representative Frank Shoebel. ‘As far as dredging it, it’d be hard to […]
If you’ve noticed a few extra blooms in Depot Park, you might be looking at the Wild Ones? Rain Garden. It’s more than just a pretty spot, however. ‘It’s helping to manage parking lot run off, filtering, and taking out salt in the storm water,? said Jim Breuck, president of the North Oakland Wild Ones. […]
It wasn’t leaves that went up in flames at the Independence Township Board meeting, July 17, but the second reading of the Open Burn Ordinance. It was voted down, 3-2. Revisions to the ordinance would have included tougher penalties for burn violators, lower age limit for those supervising a fire, ban of leaf burning on […]