Just My Opinion

I recently returned from what I thought would be sunny and relaxing Sarasota, Fla. Sunny, not so much, relaxing, very. I soaked up some rays, jumped the surf, indulged in some tasty Gulf treats and spent time with my family and relatives, all at the same time, dodging the endless rain. However, I do not […]

Launches may be key to mussel free lakes

Roger Duval fears an animal the size of a thimble. Duval, president of the Bald Eagle Lake Property Owners Association is confident for now that Zebra Mussels are yet to hitch a ride into the 125 acre lake. ‘Last summer, the (lake) clarity wasn’t very good. Whether or not it’s from the pesticides people are […]

Hadley likes the Fourth, even wet ones

Hadley Township-The rain came, but didn’t dampen the mood for the annual Hadley Fourth of July festival. More than 200 people gathered along Hadley and Pratt Road for a parade, good food, eager vendors and live entertainment. The parade was a success, but was immediately followed by hard rains that sent people running to the […]

Local residents anticipate start of 4-H Fair

Ortonville-Eleven-year-old Danielle Todd, of Groveland Township, says she likes being under pressure and in turn, enjoys cranking up the heat for her opponent. Todd, an avid chess player, will participate in the chess competition in the annual Oakland County 4-H Fair. This, along with many other events, is new to the fair. More than 800 […]

Founding member of St.Anne’s Church remembered by friends, community

Ortonville-People close to Dorothy Buckingham said her homemade Polish sausage could draw a crowd for miles. Others argued it was her cherry pie that drew hungry fans. Either way, friends and relatives knew and loved the patient, kind and selfless person’she was a friend they will miss. Anastasia C. ‘Dorothy? Buckingham, 83, of Ortonville died […]

USA Wireless brings cellular technology to Brandon residents

Brandon Township-Back in the dark ages when the world was wireless, cellular phones were not an option. Malik Kattula, owner of USA Wireless, changed that by bringing technology up to date with the latest and greatest in the cellular communication world. Katulla opened the store seven months ago, operating his business in a town he […]

We got the sign, but . . .

Goodrich-Motorists driving into Goodrich may notice a Chamber of Commerce sign on M-15 just south of the village. The problem’the sign stayed but the chamber left. For almost three years, Goodrich has not reaped the benefits that many other businesses around them are. Past chamber president Jim Naugler has shown interest numerous times in reviving […]

Local park too trashy for trash program

Goodrich- The ‘Carry In and Carry Out Trash Free Parks Program,? has some local rangers in the dumps. The new program provided park visitors with their own bags for garbage, rather than the traditional trash cans? which often smell and draw predators. When campers left the park their garbage went with them. The pilot program, […]

Old Goodrich post office purchased

Goodrich-Todd Mann has a vision. His inspiration’the village of Goodrich. Mann, recently purchased the old post office on Hegel Road with the intention of doing everything he could to help the business owners of Goodrich and future owners become a staple in the community. Mann is president of MAGIIC, LLC., (Martian Alumni Investing In Community). […]

Goodrich HS improvements

Goodrich-Summer is winding down and the Goodrich High School is making some minor improvements. ? March Bank from Flint was awarded a bid for cement work in front of the High School to the front entrance walkway. The cement has chipped and cracked over the years and is considered a hazard. ? Goddard Coatings, also […]