Despite budgetary concerns, classroom consolidation and teacher pink slips, the Clarkston School Board voted 5-1 to approve two percent raises for central office administrators and non-union employees on June 12. The board also approved a new contract for Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts, which included a two percent salary raise and three percent ‘performance merit incentive.? […]
The public will have a chance to contribute their two cents to the 2006-07 Clarkston School budget on June 26. The Clarkston School Board will have a public hearing prior to voting on the budget at 6 p.m during their meeting. On June 19, the board had a final workshop meeting to discuss the budget […]
‘Wow, it’s really dark in here,? whispers a barely audible voice. Some might say the voice is just garbled static on a tape, others might not hear anthing at all, but the Ghost Hunters of Southern Michigan hear the voice of a spirit. The four-person team of Robin and Russ Lemkie and Tom and Carrie […]
Back by popular demand, the Irish music and comedy of Blackthorn returns for their third consecutive season at the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce’s Concerts in the Park series on June 23. The show runs from 7?9 p.m. at Depot Park. ‘I can’t think of a better way to kick off our 27th year,? said […]
Visitors to the Independence Township library will notice some changes over the summer, especially in the teen lounge. Already the blue walls are replaced by light green and purple and new colorful carpeting was installed. Tracy Malek, young adult librarian, said these steps are the first of several to revamp the area. According to Malek, […]
Additional debate regarding the dismissal of a Sashabaw Middle School teacher occurred at the Clarkston School board meeting on June 12. Unlike the previous school board meeting, however, the debate occurred largely between board members. Trustee Joan Patterson voiced her displeasure with the current system, which instigated a debate with secretary Sheila Hughes. Three weeks […]
With everything she has on her plate, some might wonder when Deanna Olsen finds any free time. She would tell you she makes the time, and that even with balancing her career and charitable work, she is a mother first and foremost. When not overseeing millions of dollars or working to support local charity groups, […]
A June 6 public hearing involving the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality turned ugly at Orion Township Hall, resulting in two MDEQ workers storming out and ending the meeting prematurely. The two MDEQ representatives, from the Land and Water Management Division, were on hand to hear comments from residents, on and around Lake Orion, about […]
The survey says… ‘yes.? The Older Persons Task Force, consisting of representatives from Addison, Orion and Oxford townships, were charged with looking into the feasiblity of a combined senior center for the three communities, and it now appears they have an answer. Surveys were dropped off at random throughout the three townships, over the course […]
A 16-year-old boy from Auburn Hills led Oakland County Sheriff’s Department deputies on a wild ride on the morning of June 9, before crashing into a tree on East Clarkston Road. According to an OCSD report, the boy was attempting to pick up his paycheck from the Burger King on Lapeer Road, after he ran […]