The Lake Orion baseball squad used a pair of impressive pitching performances and some timely hitting to claim the District 16 title at home on June 3. ‘Today was the day we’ve been waiting for, for a long time,? coach Andy Schramek said, crediting his team’s ability to hit with runners in scoring position, one […]
An OAA I league championship and a lineup that features seven seniors had many excited about the postseason possibilities for the Lake Orion softball team. Unfortunately, regular season success doesn’t always transfer into the postseason, and the Dragons found that out first hand, as they fell victim to a dominate pitching performance, in a 9-0 […]
Last year, the Dragons were just a bounce away from the state semifinals before losing in penalty kicks to a Grand Blanc team they out-played in regulation. This year’s Lake Orion squad was itching to get back to a regional final. But seemingly before they could get settled in for another deep playoff run, the […]
Physical therapists, doctors, lawyers, engineers and media personalities were among the jobs explored by Webber Elementary students, at the school’s annual Career Day on May 16. Many students even came dressed up in attire for whatever career they are hoping to pursue. Oakland County Commissioner Eric Wilson was on hand for the fourth straight year, […]
The Oxford High School senior class forever memorialized their former classmate and friend, James ‘Jamie? Charles, at an emotional ceremony May 23. Surrounded by friends, family and administration in the sun-filled courtyard at the school, the Class of 2006 dedicated a memorial bench in honor of Charles, who passed away at the young age of […]
Residents living on Flintridge and Pine Tree Roads may soon find navigation of their neighborhoods challenging, as both streets are scheduled to be repaved. After consulting with the Road Commission for Oakland County, the Orion Township Board of Trustees recently decided to go through with paving projects on Flintridge and a portion of Pine Tree. […]
(This article was to have run in the May 31 edition of The Review. We apologize for the error, and will run it in next week’s edition.) It appears that the Gingell House and Proper School might be spared after all. Plans were in place for a team of developers to purchase the land on […]
The Oxford School Board May 23 approved 5-2 the addition of a girls swim and diving team and boys and girls bowling team at the high school this fall. Due to the current budget concerns growing in the district, the Oxford Athletic Boosters Club decided to earmark monies to subsidize the teams for one year […]
Orion Township residents and Oakland County Drain Commissioner John McCulloch agree, there’s little doubt that something must be done about the Brown Drain. The question that faces all those involved is: How to fix the problem? Looking for answers to this question was the primary purpose of a May 23 meeting, held at Orion Township […]
The Oxford School Board announced plans last Tuesday to reduce expenditures to help balance their 2006-07 budget. Superintendent Virginia Brennan-Kyro said when the board first looked at the 2006-07 budget earlier this year they were anticipating a $2 million shortfall due to various increases, but were happy to find they wouldn’t be as extreme as […]