Ortonville- Nicole Holbrook was joined by about 50 seamstresses and tailors of all ages on March 3 at Hillside Bible Church in making 77 dresses that will be sent to Africa. Not everyone in the group knew how to sew, but the ones without that particular talent cut fabric and pillowcases to assist in the […]
The township board will retain their lease rights on a cell tower located on Seymour Lake Road property. Communications Capital Group recently sought to purchase the lease rights, offering the township $758,333.33, but the board agreed during their March 4 meeting that declining the offer was in the township’s best interest. ‘I don’t think it’s […]
Brandon Twp.- In August 1969, about 500,000 people descended on a 600-acre New York dairy farm for the Woodstock Festival, billed as three days of peace, love and music. Three years later, in 1972, this township passed an ordinance regarding outdoor assemblies. Since then, the ordinance has undergone several revisions, but the township board never […]
Consumers Energy has extended deadlines in a last ditch effort to gather enough applications to proceed further with natural gas mains in both Brandon and Atlas townships. The utility company wants to offer natural gas service to residents who have asked for it; however, in order to do so, at least 50 percent participation is […]
Brandon Twp.- Paul Haggerty was more than a little surprised to learn that his sons were unable to drink from the water fountains at their schools. ‘It’s shocking that it’s not safe to drink from the fountains at Harvey Swanson (Elementary) and also at Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School,? said the father of Chase and Dylan […]
Monica Lambert left the comparatively tame Brandon Township early this month for wild and exotic Madagascar. But while a trip to the fourth largest island nation in the world, located in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa, may seem exciting, Lambert is not traveling there for a vacation. She will be working […]
Brandon Twp.- As of last June, the district had $81.4 million in outstanding bond debt. In 2006, voters approved a $73 million bond for capital improvements, including a new elementary school. The bond was approved before the bubble burst on the housing market, foreclosures grew rampant, and property values tanked. Since the downward spiral, the […]
Ortonville- Doris Warren has spent her life giving to others. On April 28, she was on the receiving end. The 82-year-old former missionary’s Oakwood Road residence was chosen as the project house for Rebuilding Together. About 30 volunteers, led by Ron and Carol Myers, painted Warren’s garage, replaced her back door, caulked and painted around […]
A Brandon Township man was arrested April 27 after he called police to tell them he had just tried to cut off his girlfriend’s head. Robert Logan, 38, was arraigned in front of Magistrate Dan O’Brien on the same day in 52-2 District Court in Clarkston on charges of assault with intent to do great […]
Tom Stowell’s job is part of his life mission. Now, the lifelong Brandon Township resident who says he is lucky to have a job that matches his goals in life has taken a step up. Stowell was promoted to executive director of emergency services at Lighthouse of Oakland County last month. ‘I’m very happy,? says […]