Brandon Twp.- A 74-year-old retired physician was killed May 24 in a multi-vehicle crash on M-15. According to Oakland County Sheriff’s Office reports, at approximately 8:31 a.m., May 24, Dr. Nabil Awad El-Shamaa, a Troy resident, was driving a 2001 Acura northbound when the driver of a 1999 Chrysler Town & Country van turned left […]
Ortonville- Officials are prepared to proceed with condemnation action against one home in the village and Village Manager Ed Coy warns there will be more homes condemned if there aren’t sewers in the future. He notes that in addition to the condemned home, another home has raw sewage in the drinking water from a failed […]
On April 8, Christians will fill churches as they observe Easter, considered the most holy day on the Christian calendar. But, depending on the church, the pews may have significantly fewer worshipers in them on the Sundays that follow. ‘Typically, every church sees a rise in attendance around Easter and around Christmas,? says Les Altermatt, […]
Brandon Twp.- Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance is seeking youths for the 20th annual Youth Recognition Awards Night. The purpose of the event, planned for 7 p.m., May 3, at the Brandon Middle School, 609 Ortonville Road, is to honor area youth nominated for volunteering services beyond what might be expected in their school, church, and/or […]
Grace Kemeny, a 2004 Brandon High School graduate, moved to Taiwan in 2011 after graduating from the University of Michigan-Flint with a degree in secondary education for English and history. She is now an English teacher to seventh and eighth grade students at a private bilingual school in Taipei. Kemeny answered questions via e-mail about […]
Brandon Twp.- It’s time to uncover some great reads. Register now for the summer reading at the library, 304 South St., where there are three programs covering children, teens, and adults. The children’s program, for birth to sixth grade, runs from June 17-Aug. 10, with a theme of ‘Dig Into Reading.? Last year, 591 children […]
Ortonville- The Village Skate Park reopened March 27, a few weeks early, after equipment repairs and a safety inspection. However, after a dozen complaints prior to the opening about kids trespassing at the closed park, and several complaints last year from neighbors about misbehavior including profanity, littering, substance abuse and more, officials are reiterating the […]
Brandon Twp.-A public hearing on the proposed school district budget will be held at 6:30 p.m., Monday, June 10, at the I-TEC building, 609 S. Ortonville Road. ?(The hearing) will be a presentation on what the expected budget will be for the district for the 2013-2014 school year,? said Superintendent Lorrie McMahon. ‘It won’t be […]
Although former Ortonville resident Ken Dockery won’t set any world records when he bicycles 3,627 miles across the U.S. this summer, he feels safe in saying he is the only Ross procedure heart patient to do so. He is also probably the first heart patient from the Cleveland Clinic to bike cross country. He hopes […]
By Susan Bromley Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- After a tornado tore through Moore, Okla. last month, destroying two elementary schools, students here at Oakwood Elementary wondered what they could do to help their peers hundreds of miles away. While it wasn’t so simple to help clean up or give hugs with the distance separating them, […]