Last year, Independence Township Senior Center vehicles drove 63,141 miles, transporting nearly 7,500 senior citizens and people with handicaps to physician appointments, dialysis treatments, grocery stores, and elsewhere. This Sunday, locals can help them stay on the road at the second annaul Bucks for Buses at Fountains Golf and Banquet Center. Dr. Michael Baker, M.D., […]
Independence Township Fire Department, and 15 other departments in the Southeast Michigan region will be able to communicate through video conferencing. ‘This was truly a regional application for a grant. There were 16 departments that put in for this as a regional training group and that’s how we got it, we were included with a […]
This is the second in a series of articles about the proposed “open space” millage, set for a November vote, this time focusing on those in support. Resource protection trumps tax concerns for supporters of an open-space millage proposal. ‘That’s true, we’re asking for tax money,” said Jim Reed, member of Independence Goes Green, a […]
On Oct. 11, 1948, the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club was organized with 20 charter members. Sixty years later, the club is still blossoming. ‘I’ve only been in the club for about six years,? said Pat Chase, current club president. ‘But the way things come and go, to me, it’s amazing. Here is a group […]
About $9,865 was raised at the second annual Bucks for Buses event, Sunday, to benefit transportation for senior citizens and those with disabilities. The money came from sponsors, donations from businesses, and residents, ticket sales and a raffle at the event. ‘We are very pleased with the turnout today and with the support of the […]
Curt Catallo was very excited when he received a call from Danbury Mint to make a die-cast replica of his dad’s ?32 Ford Coupe, the coupe was featured on the cover of a Beach Boys album. ‘It’s funny. Danbury Mint tracked me down through a local connection. They talked to Boomers up there, the Harley […]
After two closed sessions totaling 45 minutes of deliberation, Independence Township officials announced they have a new home. Independence Township officials approached Ed Adler, managing partner of Leh-Ray Holdings LLC, about six months ago, to sell his office building on Waldon Center Drive for use as a new Township Hall. ‘I said ‘yes,? so we […]
It’s back to the drawing board for developer Tim Birtsas’ Deer Lake project. Independence Township Board voted 5-2 to deny a rezoning request on part of the Rose property on Dixie Highway from R1C, suburban farm residential, to R1A, single family residential. The rezoning would have allowed lots to shrink, from 1.5 acres to 15,000 […]
For Lori Taylor, art is not just something to do in her spare time. Art is her life. ‘I’ve been doing artwork since I was very young,? said Taylor. ‘Even as a baby, I stayed in a wooden playpen, they’d give me crayons and now my wooden playpen is a forest.? Taylor, a 1977 Clarkston […]
After two years work with Beaumont Hospital, the time for argument has long passed. ‘If you’re here to say you don’t want Beaumont, or ‘we don’t need another hospital,? or you think the traffic is going to be bad, we don’t want to hear it,? said Sam Moraco, chairman of Independence Township Planning Commission, Sept. […]