Letters to the Editor

A call to share in traffic solution Dear Editor, I agree with the people who are opposed to putting a ramp onto I-75 SB at Clintonville Road. However, if they lived in the area of Sashabaw and Waldon they would have a different opinion. We have all the congestion now that IRACE say they are […]


Spaghetti dinner fund-raiser April 17 The Lakeville Cemetery Auxiliary will host a spaghetti dinner fund-raiser on Thursday, April 17 at 1447 Milmine St. in Lakeville. Seatings are at 5 and 6 p.m. Cost is $7 per person for adults and $3.50 for children ages 4-12. Kids age 3 and under eat for free. Proceeds go […]

Lake Orion Village

VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE SPRING LEAF PICKUP SERVICE Village residents may rake their leaves to the curb, where they will be picked up by the Village leaf vacuum. The leaf vacuum makes regular rounds of the Village to pick up leaves. Wet leaves are difficult to pick up, and brush and limbs cannot […]

Imagination teams earn honors

Clarkston teams brought their creativity, ingenuity and tenacity to the Region 1 Destination Imagination tournament at Waterford Mott High School, March 1. Three Clarkston Creativity Crew Destination ImagiNation teams also advanced to the Affiliate Finals competition in Mount Pleasant, April 5.

Orion Township

Synopsis of Regular Meeting Charter Township of Orion Board of Trustees Monday, April 7, 2014 Meeting called to order at 6:30. All members present except Trustee Steele (with notice). Held Closed Executive Session to discuss Attorney Opinion Letters and Purchase/Sale of Property. Invocation: Fr. Verschaeve, St. Joseph’s Church. Pledge: Trustee Steimel. Delivered Proclamations in support […]

Walk and Roll for SCAMP

Clarkston Junior High Leadership students chose SCAMP as their charity of choice for Charity Week activities at the school and earned $125 to donate to the Walk & Roll for SCAMP. The annuual fund-raiser walk is on Sunday, May 4. The event supports the five-week summer camp experience for individuals with special needs….

Polly Ann Trail

Request for Proposals for Mowing Services for the Polly Ann Trail Management Council, Inc. The Polly Ann Trail Management Council Inc. (PATMC) is seeking a qualified, experienced firm or person to perform seasonal and special request mowing services along the specified length of the Polly Ann Trail in Oakland County. The PATMC reserves the right […]

Spiritual Matters

Do you know why Clarkston is a great place? I’ve lived in Clarkston now for 20 years. My wife and I were so impressed when we moved here. We loved the small town feel and how friendly everyone was around town. After all these years, we still feel the same way. I have the privilege […]

Addison Township

public notice addison township public hearing A Public Hearing will be held on Monday, April 21, 2014 at regular meeting of the Addison Township board of Trustees at Township Complex, 1440 Rochester Road. The purpose of the public hearing is to allow the Township Board to hear objections to the creation of the Special Assessment […]