Earning Clarkston Optimist Club’s final Student Citizen Awards of the 2014 school year are Garrett Dellinger of Bailey Lake Elementary, North Sashabaw Elementary student Kaden Lockwood, and Eliza Mansour of Springfield Plains Elementary. “This is my eighth year taking part in this award ? this year was different,” said Principal BLE Glenn Gualtieri. “I knew […]
From left, teachers Jonathan Webster, chemistry and physics at Clarkston High School; Kelly Thomas, special education at Early Childhood Center; and Marianne Price, special education at Andersonville Elementary, take the Teacher’s Oath at the May 19 school board meeting. The teachers, along with Tara Marchand, special education at Clarkston High, were then granted tenure certification. […]
The dresses were colorful and dazzling while the smiles were bright and sparkling last Wednesday night as Clarkston High School students filled Depot Park. It was one more stop to meet with friends and have photos taken before going to prom. The park provided the perfect backdrop for the students before they loaded into the […]
A walk to benefit research for a rare disease called Ring 14 came together perfectly, according to Clarkston resident Belinda Belcher. Belcher’s 13-year-old son, Cameron was diagnosed with the rare chromosome defect known as an ‘orphan disease? because only 60 people in America have been diagnosed. ‘The walk went very well, thanks to the support […]
I absolutely love this time of the year in Michigan. We get to celebrate another winter being behind us, and there are great holidays to enjoy with family; such as Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, and my birthday. Alright, so my birthday isn’t a national holiday, but chances are you were very mindful of […]
Support for library Dear Editor, In today’s world of technology and instant information (regardless if correct or not), many people still view the library as basically a warehouse of books’checking out and checking back in. Sadly these people are not familiar with two of the Clarkston Independence District Library’s main missions? service the needs of […]
When Pero the Shriner clown visited me recently, he gave me a book, ‘The Quotable Will Rogers.? You almost have to be my age to remember Will Rogers. Dubbed the cowboy philosopher, he was an entertainer, humorist, radio personality, actor and newspaper columnists who specialized in lariat tricks on stage. Here are three of his […]
Two totally unrelated events happened to me this week that got me a-pondering. One of the coolest parts of being ‘the? local newspaper guy (look at my business card if you don’t believe me) is local history. I love hearing, discovering all the neat little things that have had happened to make each of our […]
By Meg Peters Review Staff Writer Former Lake Orion varsity cheerleading coach Nancy de Avila pleaded guilty last week to one charge of embezzlement and if she successfully completes all terms of her probation the charge and another count will be dismissed. De Avila was arraigned in 52-3 District Court in February on two counts […]
By Meg Peters Review Staff Writer In a recent audit report released to Orion Township almost $700,000 in unrealized losses in municipal mutual fund investments were reported at the end of 2013. As of today, those losses have shrunk to about $128,800 in unrealized gains, according to Township Treasurer Mark Thurber. The final audit will […]