Brandon Twp.- While it’s not quite warm enough to plant your garden outside, you can get a head start inside. ‘Now is the time to start plants from seeds,? said Kurt Batschke, annuals retail manager at Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood Road. ‘It’s a great time to get seed catalogs. Go online or to the library, […]
Every day at 2 a.m., LaVon Gula wakes up and goes down to her basement to lift weights and do aerobics. Then at 3 a.m., she goes outside to run 2-3 miles. She used to run four miles daily, but this winter has been hard and she missed a couple days. She thinks keeping it […]
An area family is working to help prevent a childhood killer. Shane Michael Holton, 21, a 2011 Goodrich High School graduate, was found dead inside his barracks room on Nov.14, 2013 at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska. Shane was serving as an intelligence analyst assigned to 184th Military Intelligence Company, Brigade Troops Battalion, 1st Stryker […]
No one believed Jill and Nick Scaramuzzino when they called family members to tell them Jill was in labor on April Fool’s Day, but the real surprise was still to come. ‘The delivery went really fast, our heads were spinning, then the doctor caught her with a towel and she’s on my chest, and I’m […]
ATLAS TOWNSHIP PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR GARBAGE/RECYCLING COLLECTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Atlas Township board proposes to continue to contract for collection of garbage/ recycling, from all occupied properties in the Township, and spread the cost pursuant to the Garbage/Recycling Special Assessment District. The proposed assessment is $ 114.00 per improved parcel […]
? It lightens my day just seeing a bunch of kangaroos bouncing across a desert in some commercial. To the geniuses behind the ‘roo marketing: Trouble is, I don’t remember what they are advertising. Sorry about that. (No, I am not) ? Print media news writers? questions often become space fillers. But, they can be […]
Okay everybody, take a long, deep breath. Take your eyes away from the page, close ’em and let that breath leave your body. Relax. Come this Thursday, April 17, every upstanding, taxpaying Michiganian will have theoretically worked enough this year to pay off the government. Thursday is Tax Freedom Day. Feel better? Me neither. Last […]
Lots of places offer chances to decorate or hunt for Easter eggs. But only the Sweet & Savory Bake Shop in downtown Oxford gives kids the chance to decorate delicious Easter cookies under the close supervision of the one and only Easter Bunny. The 9 S. Washington St. bakery continued its tasty annual tradition Saturday […]
Greg Kudela, Oxford Rotary president, presents proclamations and honors to Jim Sherman Sr. during Saturday’s roast of the longtime community journalist. Please see page 26 for more pictures. Photo by Phil Custodio
BRANDON TOWNSHIP To amend that zoning ordinance and map for proposed rezoning of parcel A (03-35-151-027) and Parcel B (03-35-151-028) from RE Rural Estate to R1A Single Family Residential Chapter 46, Article I. Section 46-6, Definitions. Building height. Amend this section to modify how building heights are measured to have a maximum height of any […]