Public invited to run for rocking chairs

Fresh air, exercise and the rewarding feeling that comes from supporting a cause that provides comfort and support to terminally ill children and their families. That’s what folks can expect to receive when they sign up to participate in the 3rd Annual Eleonore Rocks Waterstone fund-raiser on Saturday, June 21 in Oxford. The event features […]

No vote on dispatch issue for village residents

Hours upon hours of debate and legal research spread across many months and meetings came down to a final decision made after about seven minutes of discussion. As a result, Oxford Village voters will not be given the opportunity to decide whether they wish to continue paying to operate a local dispatch center or contract […]

Twp. voters to face two public safety millages on Nov. ballot

Oxford Township voters will face two millage proposals concerning public safety when they head to the polls in the general election. Last week, the township board voted 7-0 to place a six-year, 3.5-mill tax to fund fire/medical services and a five-year, 3.9152-mill tax to fund police services on the Nov. 4 ballot. One mill equals […]

Taxpayers need to look at the big picture

Imagine walking down the street one day and a stranger approaches you. He asks you to give him a dollar. You think to yourself, ‘Oh, what the hell! It’s only a stinkin? buck. It’s not going to break me. What’s the big deal?? So, you give him a crisp George Washington and go merrily on […]

Letters to Editor

Graphic protest image upsets local mother As many of you may have witnessed, the Oxford community had quite a public disturbance happen last Tuesday afternoon at the corner of Lapeer and Drahner roads. A man was exhibiting a large sign protesting the act of abortion. The sign was two-sided; one side with a written message […]

Oxford grad presents Nabi Tablets as part of IB project

By Trevor Keiser Leader Staff Writer Jenna Duronio, an Oxford High School 2014 graduate, brought a smile to some Lakeville Elementary Students with Autism as she handed out five Nabi Tablets on June 12. Nabi Tablets are similar to an iPad, but they function a little bit differently The tablets were purchased through fundraising as […]

One candidate’s filed for school board so far

As of deadline on Monday, only one candidate has filed so far for one of the four open seats on the Oxford School Board. That candidate is Paula Foster. Foster has lived in Oxford for more than 15 years with her husband of 18 years, Erick, and their 10-year-old son, who will be a fifth-grader […]

Oxford Woods residents want twp. to adopt weed ordinance

A group of concerned residents from the Oxford Woods subdivision came to last week’s township board meeting with one request ? adopt an ordinance to deal with properties where the growth of grass and weeds is not being controlled by the owner. ‘I was very surprised when I heard that there was no ordinance,? said […]

Concerts in the Park is back!

Downtown Oxford’s popular Concerts in the Park series returned last week with the cowboy rock-n-roll band Bob Marshall and Marshal Law. Concerts are scheduled in Centennial Park from 7-9 p.m. every Thursday through Aug. 28. Admission is free. The rest of the schedule is as follows: June 19 ? Groove Council June 26 ? Lake […]

Engineers determine Orion Center HVAC system is failing

By Meg Peters Review Staff Writer Multiple problems with the heating and cooling HVAC system at the Orion Center have prompted Orion Township officials to try to determine the cause of its failure. The question is whether the cause is an installation or technical design issue, or both. Township trustees previously approved an assessment of […]