Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

In what has become a tradition at Independence Township’s Fourth of July festival in Clintonwood Park, veterans are invited to share photos, mementos, uniforms, and other items from their time in service. I’ll be there at the Carriage House with my bucket of stuff from my service in the U.S. Army during the first Gulf […]

Letters to the Editor

Library raises property values, reader says Dear Editor, Being a real estate broker for over 40 years and living and working in Clarkston, and loving it, I feel it imperative to write, for the first time ever, with regard to the upmost importance of our library millage passing Aug. 5. Just like the value our […]

Developer interested in school property

Clarkston School Board will review the district’s master plan in light of a proposal to purchase some property. Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock said a developer approached the district about buying about six acres of school district property behind Clarkston Independence District Library. The potential sale, which was discussed at the June 9 and 23 meetings, […]

Speed racers

The Oakland County Sportmen’s Club hosted the Quarter Midget – Midwest Thunder Race, June 14-15. Young drivers sped around the course during the race, which is part of the Michigan Midget Racing Association. The next event is the MMRA Fun Race #3, July 13. For more information please visit or

Community news from Clarkston, Independence Township

A parent who requested to have her name withheld called The Clarkston News to say several fellow parents opposed a proposed cell phone tower on school property. The parent expressed concern over effects towers have on the well-being of children. Installation of cellular towers are a controversial issue across the United States, especially near schools. […]

Out on the town with dad

Josh Cole takes his son Beckham Cole for a bike ride and a treat for Fathers? Day. The two also headed to Depot Park for some weekend fun. Photo by Andrea Beaudoin

Green goodies

Springfield Township Farmers Market is open, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Sundays through September at Shiawassee Nature Preserve, 12000 Davisvburg Road. Photo by Andrea Beaudoin

Girls in Pink hit field to fight cancer

The Lady Wolves proudly presented a $1,000 check to McLaren on June 6 after raising the money during the Clarkston Varsity Softball’s Third Annual Girls in Pink Classic. “It’s a great thing and a great opportunity for us to give back to the community,” said Mackenzie King, finishing her final year with the team. “It […]

Spiritual Matters

In the good old summer time. Yeah! Summer is finally here. The cold and the snow are a fading memory. The sun and the water are calling us forward to enjoy the fruits of our labors. I have been investing a lot of time in my garden as I do each spring. Now we are […]

Dolphin fun in the sun

School is out and the Dolphins of Springfield Plains Elementary enjoyed a taste of it with their Field Day, June 5. They enjoyed games outside while cheering on their classmates and working together as well as enjoying fun competition during races and tug-o-war. The students were also treated to a cool break from Kona Ice […]