And, readers respond to dandelions

And, readers respond to dandelions

So, let me see . . . about two weeks ago I penned a gem of a Don’t Rush Me column (if I do say so, myself, and I do) about dandelions. I shared my feelings on my lack of enthusiasm and or determination in mowing the dandelions in my yard. (Okay, maybe I was […]

So, you wanna’ be a reporter . . .

So, you wanna’ be a reporter . . .

I know to some this may be a scary proposition, but yup, sometimes I get to “teach” younger people. Through working at this newspaper for (GULP) over 34 years, I have been able to help folks hone their newspapering skills — reportin’, writin’, ad designin’ and page layout. Every once in a while and outta’ […]

Hey! Back off! My dandelions have a purpose!

Hey! Back off! My dandelions have a purpose!

For those of us who had a long, three day weekend, summer sorta’ took hold. I hope you all spent at least a little time reflecting on Memorial Day and its meaning. To those who had to work, law enforcement, safety and health folks, and those who worked, I tip my hat. Me, I did […]

Use chemical warfare, high-tech to fight moles?

Use chemical warfare, high-tech to fight moles?

Ah, spring is in the air! (Relatively speaking — if you consider it’s the middle of May and pretty gosh-darned gloomy, it is still spring.) And, for me, with spring comes a new awakened sense of smell. All through the bitter winter my sense of smell goes to Tahiti or somewhere. Where ever it goes, […]

I can’t stop thinkin’ about Moles, Moles, Moles!

I can’t stop thinkin’ about Moles, Moles, Moles!

A long, long time ago, in a yard not far enough away, the grass grew green and lush; worms and grubs lived in peace. Life was good for many a moon. Then I bought the property. The forces of darkness marshaled their forces. And Mole Wars began. “Oh, Obi Wan, where are you?” Worms and […]

Naked Gardening and ‘Success’

Naked Gardening and ‘Success’

Hey all you outdoor enthusiasts, get ready to gird your loins this weekend. Marked on my calendar a few months ago (a reader didn’t want me to forget) was this: Saturday, May 4 is World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD). How could I have forgotten that? (Maybe I tried to?) At any rate, for those interested, […]

Why I give a damn — newspapers

Why I give a damn — newspapers

You would be amazed — or maybe not — on the amount of times I hear this comment, or one just like it: “You still work at a newspaper?” That comment is usually spoken in a solemn, apologetic manner, like the speaker wanted to console me on the loss of something near and dear to […]

License panhandlers & more #16toVote

License panhandlers & more #16toVote

As the cold weather gives way to warm, gentle breezes of spring, and if you’re planning on leaving the ruralness of our communities for a metropolitan area, chances are you’ll be hit up for a few bucks. People in tattered clothing, sad faces and dirty hands will ask you to “help” them. Rightly or wrongly, […]

No foolin’ it’s already the 1st week in April

No foolin’ it’s already the 1st week in April

As the last two days of March, 2019 faded away into the annals of history, many of us in these parts were none to happy with the weather. This weekend’s downturn in temperature with the added bonus of about an inch of snow kinda’ dampened our spirits. I’m here to testify, I am like you. […]

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