Clouds continue to hang over Michigan’s government transparency laws

BY WES SMITH View Newspaper Group Publisher and Michigan Press Association President When there was a change in leadership in Michigan’s legislature earlier this year, hope rose again in the hearts of citizens who want a more transparent state government. Maybe, it was thought by those citizens, the time has finally come for Michigan to […]

Shelby Says: To read or not to read

I recently made a ‘to-be-read’ jar, full of pieces of paper with the titles of the books I currently own, but haven’t read. I didn’t count them as I was writing them down, but I can say I have a log of all of my books (probably around 500 at this point) and I’ve read […]

Shelby Says: ‘Tis the season

Now that the chilly weather is here and October is well underway, I’m happy to say I am an autumn person. When people ask me my favorite time of year, I always say ‘holiday season’ which starts in October with Halloween and goes through Christmas in December. I’ve always dressed up for Halloween with enthusiasm, […]

Shelby Says: Life is a mystery

I’ve recently been obsessed with a free, online, daily game called Murdle. It’s a daily mystery puzzle, and anyone who knows me knows I love mystery. As a kid, my favorite cartoon was Scooby Doo. I’ve dressed up for Halloween as both Velma and Daphne multiple times. I saw both the live action movies in […]

School days, school days, I followed the rules those days.

School days, school days, I followed the rules those days.

This week sure as heck feels like a “back to school” week. Which makes sense, of course, because most kids are back to school after their summer breaks. When I write “feels like” back to school time, I mean my internal clock/calendar registers in my brain, “summer is over, back to the books.” There is […]

Those were the good old, glory days

Those were the good old, glory days

 08-30-23 don’t rush me Those were the good old, glory days In every young man’s heart, when he is past being a mere child, but not yet an adult, there is a desire to be something special. Whether that desire revolves around athletics, academics or artistic endeavors, down deep there is a want to excel. When […]

Doc ‘Feelgood’ pens sports parent book

Doc ‘Feelgood’ pens sports parent book

“I was bored,” Independence Township resident and orthopedic surgeon Shivajee Nallamothu said. “I got bored during COVID, so I decided to write a book. Actually, I decided to write two books.” Well, la-tee-da, way to be an overachiever, Doc! I’ve known Shivajee, or Dr. Feelgood, as I like to call him, for about 20 years […]

Hard lessons from soft ice cream

Holy turn down the heat, Batman! We have already entered the Dog Days of Summer and I’m already over it. Soon high school kids will start practice for fall sports – like two-days (though it felt like three-a-days) football practice. Gosh darn it, fall is right around the corner, but first we need to get […]