Let your love light shine: Do something nice.

You may not know or believe this, but I am kinda shy and this tends to lead folks to the conclusion that I’m emotionally shallow. I keep things close to the vest and, as such, can seem distant and not nice. That said, well, I remember what is probably the only “nice” thing I have […]

Despite what you think, be grateful

We all like being told what to do as much as we react positively to being called names like sexist, racist, bigot, homophobic and xenophobic. So, in the spirit of the Spirit of The Universe, I will take a collective, meditative, long, deep, breath, and tell all of you to take a damn chill pill! […]

Just when you thought you were being funny . . .

I am always amazed by readers. You guys and gals are what makes the world go ‘round and round. And, sometimes the world spins so fast, my head swims. I find interesting what will get your attention and what does not. I could write about a very serious issue, calling on all readers to take […]

Women, see what happens when we’re left alone

Hygiene. It is an important part of living well in society. There are the basics like, you know, brush your teeth, comb your hair, wash your face, bathe and then there’s the not-so basic, like keeping your finger and toenails, neat and trim. And, while you ladies may not get this, awesome, toot-sweet cleanliness and […]

Kids these days are growing up Sir Gravesless

The 2016 presidential election candidates are terrifying, and while I know Halloween is less than two weeks away, I try to imagine growing up in such scary world without scary movies. And, not just slash ‘em, gash ‘em bloodfests, but good, old-fashioned, cheesy grade B, monster-type movies on TV, hosted by a trusted monsterologist to […]

When the blood pressure rises, punt your next thought

I had this column all ready. It is ready to be typed. It is all there on my yellow Quill legal pad, penciled in my patented Don Rush shorthandish scrawl. It was, or is, about the hypocrisy of media coverage in regards to presidential campaigns. I had gone through and pointed out how it is […]

Well then, a reader has spoken as Americans do

These are some exceedingly exciting times we are living in! This past weekend, whilst meandering through one of the area’s state parks, my son Sean, 16, and I were discussing that very issue. Said he during our walking adventure, and with not a little bit of sarcasm, “I am so thrilled to be living in […]

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