By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oakland County Health Division and the governor’s office both responded to Oxford School Board’s request to reconcile a conflict over the OCHD’s school mask mandate, but their responses were unsatisfactory to Board President Tom Donnelly. “We are awaiting something declarative (legal/constitutional) on this issue,” Donnelly wrote in a letter […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer The Oxford Public Library bond vote failed, according to unofficial results from Oakland County. 3,302 “no” votes outnumbered 1,533 “yes” votes, shooting down the $9.1 million capital improvement bond for the second year in a row. 4,835 people voted overall with precinct 5 having the least number of voters […]
This is our 83rd week of reporting local COVID numbers. Our area saw a decrease in recent cases, and an increase in total cases. COVID-related deaths increased by one to 41. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 3,470 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer 30 new somerset maple trees were planted in Seymour Lake Township Park on Tuesday, Nov. 2 as part of the memorial maples program. The new trees bring the total number of maples in the park up to about 120, expanding the memorial program into the back of the park. […]
A total of 88 people participated in the annual Turkey Trot – running five kilometers, or walking two – at Seymour Lake Township Park on Saturday, Nov. 6. The event was organized by Oxford Township Parks and Rec., and sponsored by Oxford Meijer and Agent Liz Scott of Community Insurance Center. The first-place winners of […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Longtime member of the Oxford community Gregory Brooks is the Detroit Lions’ 2021 Fan of the Year. Now living in Metamora, Brooks is a 35-years season ticket holder, regularly hosts tailgates at Ford Field and has only ever missed three home games. “I bleed Lions,” Brooks said. “When my […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Adult booster and youth COVID-19 vaccines are approved and available for free in Oxford. Adults ages 18 and older are able to get boosters at least six months after their second Pfizer or Moderna dose, or two months after a Johnson & Johnson dose. So long as a full […]
By Dean Vaglia and James Hanlon Leader Staff Writers Staff discovered a series of graffiti and the severed head of a deer inside a courtyard at Oxford High School before school began Nov. 4. “Before school began this morning we identified graffiti on the cement outside our pool entrance doors,” according to an email Principal […]
By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer In the second round of the high school playoffs, the Oxford High School Wildcats’ football season came to an end with a near-shutout by the Rochester Adams Highlanders on Friday, Nov. 5. “[It was] not the way we envisioned things going,” Zach Line, Oxford head coach, said. The Highlanders […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer The Oxford Girls Cross Country team finished 8th in the state, out of 28 teams in the Division 1 finals at the Michigan International Speedway Nov. 6. The team scored 299 points. Freshman Mallory Bigelow led the team and was All-State (top 30) finishing in 19th place with a […]