By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer Coming off a season that saw the program capture their first district championship since 2011, head coach Kenny Allen and three 2021 Oxford graduates were selected to represent the Wildcats in the Michigan High School Softball Coaches Association (MHSSCA) Division 1 All-Star Game at 10 a.m. this morning (July […]
Photostory by James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer In celebration of Independence Day, residents of Squaw and Clear Lakes decorated their watercraft and circumnavigated the two conjoined lakes July 3, as part of the annual boat parade. Judging the boats were Ann and Bill Maul of Clear Lake, their grandson Trevor, and Sue and Gary Wurtz […]
No mask, vaccine requirement The 2021-2022 school year in Oxford might look a lot more normal than the previous one. Oxford Community Schools does not plan to require masks or COVID-19 vaccinations for staff or students. “We are regularly monitoring the COVID-19 metrics for Oakland County as we continue to prioritize safety in our district […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer The Detroit Zoo’s Amphibiville has a new leader. Blake Myers, 11, of Oxford, was sworn in as Mayor of Amphibiville on June 26 for a two-year term. Amphibiville is a 2-acre wetland village at the Detroit Zoo which is home to the National Amphibian Conservation Center (NACC). “Having a […]
The resurfacing of Ray Rd., N. Oxford Rd., Glaspie St., Oxford Lake Dr. and E. Drahner Rd. that served as the detour route during the M-24 reconstruction project likely won’t be until the end of July or early August, according to MDOT Construction Engineer Brian Travis. The work was previously scheduled for mid-to-late June. “We […]
This is our 65th week of reporting local COVID numbers. Our area again saw decreases in recent cases, a small up-tick in total cases and no additional COVID-related deaths. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 2,733 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 2,735. […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Crossroads For Youth’s beach on Handsome Lake in Oxford Township was closed June 29 due to “high bacteria levels” from “storm water runoff” according to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE). The beach remains closed as of July 5. The 22-acre Handsome Lake sits […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer After 16 months of delivering groceries to clients by curbside pickup, Oxford/Orion FISH will fully re-open for in-person shopping on July 13. The pantry will be closed July 1-12, as it prepares to reopen in-person service. The pantry, located 1060 S. Lapeer Rd., provided a vital lifeline to those […]
By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer In February, The Oxford Leader ran an article covering eight-year-old Joseph “Joey” Vicari’s third-place finish in the KTM Junior Supercross Series at Houston, Texas’ NRG Stadium, and his desire to qualify for the national finals at the family ranch of country music superstar Loretta Lynn in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee […]
By David Fleet Special to The Leader It’s on! The Oakland County Fair returns for the 50th year in Davisburg this weekend, starting on Friday, July 9 and running until July18. Earlier this month, the Oakland County Parks and Health Department gave the green light to the county fair. “We’ll be ready to go,” said […]