Nearly 300 quarantined By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Both Oxford High School and Oxford Middle School returned to classes Monday, March 22 after over a week of virtual learning spurred by rising COVID-19 cases and quarantines. There were 39 active student cases across the district Friday, with 25 at the high school and 12 […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer As schools across the country struggled to find a safe way to return school this year, a small private school in Oxford had a simple solution: have class outside as much as possible, even through the bitter Michigan winter. The cold snap in early February “was a little tough,” […]
No tickets were given and no serious injuries were reported after a car/bicycle accident this past Saturday. According to a report written by Oxford Police Officer Gary Rouse, at about 4:30 Saturday afternoon, on S. Washington Street, an 11-year-old Rochester boy rode into a vehicle which was northbound. The vehicle was driven by a 27-year-old […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer After a few months’ break, it’s almost time to finish the M-24 construction project. The work is scheduled to begin approximately March 29 and last until the end of May or early June. “The goal is to get in and get out, so I’m hopeful that early June is […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford Schools might end up owning the Dominican Sisters’ former, longtime retreat center. At its March 9 meeting, the Oxford Community School Board authorized the district to purchase the property at 775 West Drahner Rd., in a 6-0 vote. “We envision using the existing buildings for some of our […]
Seeks volunteers for spring cleanup By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer After cancelling last year’s spring cleanup because of the coronavirus, Oxford Gives Back is back. This year’s cleanup will be April 24-25. The Oxford Community Schools affiliated service organization is student-led, with a mission of “building community relationships while motivating youth to exhibit leadership […]
By Lauren Schiller Leader Student Contributor This year, students across the globe have moved to online learning. For many this is their first time learning outside of a traditional seated learning environment. Yet others, including many students within the Oxford area, have been learning virtually for years. Oxford Virtual Academy was founded in 2011 when […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer It looks like the bridge on Maloney Street will not be raised above its current height when it is replaced next year. The Oxford Township Board voted 7-0 to “not participate in any additional cost to raise the height of the Maloney Street Bridge” at its March 10 meeting. […]
In our 50th week of reporting local COVID numbers, our area saw an increase in recent and total cases, over last week. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 1,445 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford; this week, 1,552 cases. Recent cases — “cases are the […]
By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer Concluding their abbreviated regular season at 9-4 (7-3 Oakland Activities Association Blue Division), the Oxford Wildcats girls’ basketball program finished in second-place in the league standings, behind only Bob Brydges’ Lake Orion Dragons, a team they beat twice. Coached by Rachel Bryer, Oxford’s final week of the regular season […]