Leonard Elem’s Giving Tree goes virtual

Leonard Elem’s Giving Tree goes virtual

By Don Rush Looking to spread a little joy this holiday season? Virtually, and litterally you can help fill Leonard Elementary School’s annual “Giving Tree.” This year the coronavirus and stay home orders from the state have forced the folks at Leonard Elem to improvise a wee bit. The 2020 Giving Tree is now the […]

Let there be light!

Let there be light!

Oxford Chamber lights up Obrecht Bridge for the holidays By Don Rush For the first time in over 50 years Santa Claus will not usher in the Christmas season, at the end of the annual Oxford Chamber of Commerce parade. The first Saturday in December tradition was cancelled. “This is the first year we were […]

Drone pilot documents M-24 progress

Drone pilot documents M-24 progress

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Sometimes it helps to take a bird’s eye view of things. Take for example Timothy Metcalfe, a drone hobbyist who has been tracking the M-24 construction project through weekly YouTube videos since this summer. The videos help visualize the big picture of what an undertaking such a project is. […]

Weekly COVID Update

In our 33rd week of reporting local COVID numbers, our area saw jumps in recent cases, and in total cases. According to numbers provided by Oakland County, last week we reported there were a total of 485 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 573 cases, an increase of 18 percent. Recent cases increased […]

VFW makes holiday meal donations

VFW makes holiday meal donations

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer For the sixth year in a row, the local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 334 has stepped up to help out Oxford-Addison senior citizens. On Monday morning, they donated 40 “holiday bags” for 40 Meals on Wheels recipients in Oxford and Addison. Locally, Meals on Wheels is coordinated […]

Third times the charm?

Council continues marijuana biz ban By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer For the third time, Oxford Village Council extended the sunset date of its marijuana business ban, at its Nov. 10 meeting. The council also extended moratoriums on enforcing two zoning ordinances, for a second time, to continue pandemic relief for businesses. Marijuana Establishment Prohibition […]

Scouts need sponsors for wreaths

Scouts need sponsors for wreaths

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer A group of Oxford scouts is soliciting sponsorships to fund the placement of fresh wreaths on the graves of veterans buried in Ridgelawn Memorial Cemetery at 99 W. Burdick St. Boy Scout Troop 366 is asking the public to sponsor wreaths for the annual Wreaths Across America ceremony scheduled […]

After 21 years, Dunn hosts final Board meeting

After 21 years, Dunn hosts final Board meeting

(And other news from the Nov. 18 Oxford Township Trustees’ meeting) By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer In what was the final session for Bill Dunn as Supervisor and Trustee Patti Durr, the Charter Township of Oxford had their monthly Board of Trustees meeting, via Zoom video conference, on Wednesday, November 18. Normally, these meetings […]

Conflicting stories

By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer On Nov. 13, Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched for a report of domestic violence on Indian Knolls Street. As is common in these disputes, the 31-year-old husband and his 29-year-old wife gave conflicting stories as to what had occurred. The man said his wife had confronted him about […]

COVID closes library through November

2020 is the year that keeps on giving — and taking. This week it was another take-away, this time for patrons of the Oxford Public Library. According to an announcement from the library, “ . . . someone in the Library has tested positive for COVID-19. All areas of the library, affected or not, have […]