Oxford’s varsity football team was without a team to play last Friday when scheduled opponent Lake Orion dropped out because of COVID-19 issues. Then the adminstrations of Oxford and L’Anse Creuse North, whose opponent also dropped out, agreed to play each other. Here, Wildcat head coach Zach Line leading his team during the pregame playing […]
In our 24th week of reporting local COVID numbers, our area saw a decrease in recent cases, but an uptick in total cases and deaths. According to numbers provided by Oakland County, last we reported there were a total of 188 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 191. Recent cases dropped from 50 […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Southbound traffic on M-24 was shifted onto the new northbound pavement between Broadway St. and Gateway Dr. Saturday, Sept. 19. The traffic shift will allow crews to continue construction of the southbound lanes. This completes an earlier traffic shift that began a few weeks ago, just north of Drahner […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer A sewer crew working on the M-24 construction project hit a 4-inch gas line in front of Oxford Plumbing and Heating across from Oxford Marketplace at approximately 2:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18. Oxford Fire Department and Consumers Energy were immediately dispatched to the scene to assess the damage. The […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford Village Manager Joe Madore shared some good news about the village budget. For fiscal year 2019-2020, which ended June 30, the village budgeted $296,000 in state revenue sharing and ended up with $296,589. This was welcome news, since there had been concerns the funds would be a lot […]
A new drive-up drop box will collect absentee voter ballots in front of Oxford Township Hall at 300 Dunlap Rd. The drop box will make it easier for voters to return their ballots since it will be available 24-7. The box is locked and in view of a security camera. Absentee voter ballots can still […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Leader Many of Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance (OAYA) programs have been suspended. Caseworker Karen Wonsowicz works remotely, as directed by the non-profit’s sponsor, Oakland County Circuit Court. But she is still readily available, making frequent contact with her clients over Zoom or phone calls. She shares resources and support for parents, […]
DDA drafting ‘social district’ application By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer The Oxford Downtown Development Authority is working on an application that would allow for the open consumption of alcohol in public places downtown. This summer, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed Michigan House Bill 5781, which allows municipalities to apply for “social district” designations from the […]
By Teddy Rydquist Leader Staff Writer Existing Oxford businesses negatively impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have a new option that may provide some relief. During their regular meeting on Wednesday, September 9, the Oxford Township Board of Trustees approved a temporary emergency ordinance allowing for temporary uses, including, per Township Communications and Grants Manager […]