Addison firefighters stop flames from claiming vacant house

A vacant house near the intersection of Oakwood and Hosner roads is still standing thanks to the quick response of Addison Township firefighters. On the morning of Aug. 15, firefighters were called to 4931 Hosner Rd. after the next-door neighbor called 9-1-1 to report a fire. “On our arrival, there (was) smoke and flames visible […]

Village OKs pot biz ban

Oxford Village has officially banned recreational marijuana businesses while its planning commission creates ordinance language to regulate them. Last week, council voted 4-1 to adopt an ordinance that “prohibits all marijuana establishments” within the village’s boundaries. Councilwoman Kate Logan cast the lone dissenting vote. The prohibition ordinance, which takes effect on Sept. 19, would only […]

Water rate hike OKed

Effective immediately, customers of the Oxford Township water system will see their rates increase by $4 per quarter, which works out to $1.33 per month. Last week, the township board voted 6-0 to increase the flat rate that customers are charged for the first 1,500 cubic feet (or 11,220 gallons) of water from $34 to […]

Sunday hours return to library in September

The Oxford Public Library is pleased to announce that beginning Sept. 8, Sunday hours will be restored from 1 to 5 p.m. after a five-year suspension due to funding. “Staffing levels will be limited at first as we work through the logistics, so please be patient with us,” wrote Director Bryan Cloutier in the library’s […]

Mother, baby girl born on same date in same hospital

By Wendi Reardon Price Special to the Leader Janelle Kaan’s birthday was a special one she won’t forget. Kaan, a 2004 Oxford High School graduate, was at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital in labor with her daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, who arrived at 5:15 p.m., weighing eight pounds and 4.7 ounces, at 20.75 inches long, July […]

Are you ready for some football? The Wildcats are!

Are you ready for some football? The Wildcats are!

“Win.” That’s the word Bud Rowley, head coach of Oxford High School’s varsity football team, used to begin and end his preseason interview. “Win.” That’s the goal as the Wildcats began practicing on their blue turf bright and early Monday morning in anticipation of the 2019 season opener, a 7 p.m. away game against the […]

Downtown now part of National Register of Historic Places

For many years, folks have referred to downtown Oxford as a historic place. Well, now it’s official. On Aug. 8, Glenn Pape, executive director of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA), announced that downtown Oxford is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. “After three years, it feels good,” Pape said. “It gives us […]

Lookin’ good! Village properties earn beautification awards

Every flower that’s planted, every weed that’s pulled, every bush that’s sculpted and every tree that’s trimmed improves a property’s curb appeal. Homes and businesses with a great deal of curb appeal generally make for communities that are pleasant to look at, live in and visit. Every year for almost three decades, Oxford Village has […]