Tickets are still available for a local event that promises to combine summer fun with a worthy cause. Oh yeah, there will be a pig, too. Matt Pfeiffer, owner and CEO of Northern Flooring and Interiors, is inviting folks to attend the Luau by the Lake fund-raiser he’s hosting from 4 to 7 p.m. on […]
Efforts to build a new public library in Lakeville got a shot in the arm last week from the Addison Township Board. Officials voted 6-0 to approve a resolution of support for the project. Trustee Erich Senft was absent. “I’ve used libraries ever since I was a little guy and my mother was a big […]
Models, photos to highlight space program’s past and future Fifty years ago, mankind took a giant leap when astronauts landed on the Moon, a remarkable feat for a species that achieved powered flight only 66 years prior to that. To help celebrate this historic event and educate younger generations about it, the Oxford Public Library […]
Oxford resident Lisa Terry and her daughter Morgan Terry, 5, a kindergartner at Clear Lake Elementary, have fun cheering as part of the crowd at last week’s concert in Centennial Park. For more photos, pick up a copy of this week’s print edition and check out Page 2. Photo by C.J.Carnacchio.
It appears a combination of alcohol consumption and late-night kayaking resulted in the death of a 33-year-old man on Lakeville Lake in Addison Township. At 9:21 a.m. on July 16, the body of Steven E. Giron was found in 7 feet of water about 200 yards from shore between Annandale Rd. and Peninsula Dr., according […]
Parks director, substation commander available in Seymour Lake Park community room from 7-9 p.m. Oxford Township’s two Ps – parks and police – will be the subject of a special informational event on Thursday, July 25. From 7 to 9 p.m. inside the community room at Seymour Lake Park, Oakland County Sheriff’s Lt. Scott Patterson, […]
When the bell rings to kick off the 2019-20 school year, Oxford-Orion FISH wants students to have everything they need to succeed in the classroom. That’s why between now and Aug. 21, the local nonprofit group is collecting donations of backpacks and school supplies to be distributed, free of charge, to elementary, middle school and […]
The Blues came to downtown Oxford July 11 when the Rusty Wright Band performed before a large crowd in Centennial Park as part of the summer concert series. There was no shortage of smiles.
Once a year, Leonard comes alive with the sights, sounds and sundaes of a summer tradition that dates back to 1952. On Saturday, July 20, the Strawberry Festival will return to delight folks of all ages with a variety of fun activities and entertainment. A pancake breakfast at Leonard United Methodist Church will kick off […]
An attempt by Oxford Township Supervisor Bill Dunn to create a full-time position dedicated to pursuing grant money and handling communications was narrowly defeated in a 4-3 vote at last week’s board of trustees meeting. But, it’s not a dead issue as two of the dissenting voters, Clerk Curtis Wright and Trustee Margaret Payne, expressed […]